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[文件操作] 5-c-shujujiegou

Contains five C++ documents, namely the monkeys eat a peach problem, take steps questions, Tower of Hanoi problem, 375 issues (2013-05-26, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] ApkRename

Apk rename.把android的apk安装包按格式重命名。执行时必须与aapt.exe在同一个文件夹。
Apk the rename android apk rename the installation package according to the format. Implementation must be in the same folder with aapt.exe. (2012-05-07, Visual C++, 356KB, 下载49次)


[文件操作] cjzd

超级炸弹 or 古金文件分割器 源码 分割大文件成若干小文件,并自动生成合并批处理文件。 主要用途,将大文件切割存放在多个移动盘或U盘。带会家后进行合并,得到原来的大文件。 用途举例: 将1个600M的文件放入 2个500M的U盘。 软件会自动切割,并且生成拼合批处理。 回家后,把批处理和这两个分割后的文件放入同文件夹,双击批处理,就自动合并了。
Ancient gold super bomb or source file splitter split large files into several small files, and automatically generate a batch file merge. The main purpose will be cutting large files stored in multiple mobile disk or U disk. After the merger will be home with, get the original big file. Applications: the one 600M 500M files into two U-disk. The software will automatically cutting and merging batches generated. After returning home, the batch and the two split the file into the same after the folder, double-click the batch, automatically merged. (2011-01-16, Visual C++, 135KB, 下载5次)


[文件操作] ReadBin

vc++6.0 under a binary file to read the data inside the double-precision small pieces of code. (2009-11-06, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载57次)


[文件操作] program.rar

Compressed file contains the Laplace Transform, the inverted pyramid, Kalman filter, edge detection and the C program houghlines (2009-04-23, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载18次)


[文件操作] BinFileEx_VcCode

BinFileEx.DLL是一个封装了用于生成保存各种常用数据到自定义二进制文件的类和函数的动态链接库,用它创建的二进制文件中可以存储以下数据类型: 整型数据、双精度浮点数据、字符串、文件类型[指每一个文件的内容作为一个数据项看待]。 所创建的二进制文件可以正确的被读出来。如果你在编程中想建立一个属于自已格式的二进制文件,此文件中保存自已在程序中生成的各种数据和文件。 BinFileEx.DLL还封装了用于得到汉字内码和由内码得到全部字母、汉字和符号的类和函数的动态链接库,用它可以随时将内码同全部字母、汉字和符号将转换。 BinFileEx.DLL还封装了十进制/十六进制/二进制间的相互转换Win32 API函数,同时封装了整数或浮点数同内存中的储存格式间的相互转换。 此动态链接库的全部源代码对外开放。
Binary File VC Code (2009-02-19, Visual C++, 755KB, 下载80次)


[文件操作] notepad5.03

notepad++ 5.03 源代码200811月属于最新版源码,开源 notepad ,最好用的Windows记事本源码最新版。Notepad++ 是一款非常有特色的编辑器—— ①、内置支持多达 27 种语法高亮度显示(包括各种常见的源代码、脚本,能够很好地支持 .nfo 文件查看),还支持自定义语言; ②、可自动检测文件类型,根据关键字显示节点,节点可自由折叠/打开,还可显示缩进引导线,代码显示得很有层次感; ③、可打开双窗口,在分窗口中又可打开多个子窗口,允许快捷切换全屏显示模式(F11),支持鼠标滚轮改变文档显示比例; ④、提供了一些有用工具,如 邻行互换位置、宏功能,等... ⑤、可显示选中文本的字节数 (而不是一般编辑器所显示的字数,这在某些情况下,比如 软件本地化 很方便); 现在网上有很多文件编辑器,这个是不可多得的一款,不论是日常使用还是手写程序代码,相信它都会给你带来方便。
err (2008-11-19, Visual C++, 1660KB, 下载64次)


[文件操作] Toolxmltowbxml

由于xml文件不能被手机识别,所以不得不转化为wbxml文件,很多人都在为xml转化为wbxml文件苦恼。 这个工具可以很简单的将xml转化为wbxml文件: 首先下载该文件,解压缩,将你的同名的xml文件替换settings.xml文件,然后直接双节cmd.com文件就可以产生wbxml文件了。同时会有一个log文件产生。 文件夹里包括的库文件有:leaktrack.dll/libexpat.dll/libwbxml2.dll。希望能帮助一些急需要的人。
Xml document as a result of mobile phones should not be identifiable and thus have turned into wbxml files, many people are in the xml file into wbxml distress. This tool can be very simple to wbxml into xml document: First download the file, unzip it to your xml file the same name to replace settings.xml file, and then double cmd.com document directly can produce wbxml file. At the same time there is a log file generated. Folder, including the library file there: leaktrack.dll/libexpat.dll/libwbxml2.dll. Hope that some much-needed help to people. (2008-10-11, Visual C++, 172KB, 下载17次)


[文件操作] segy

Seismic profiles show that welcomes segy file downloads, Thank you for your cooperation (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 1933KB, 下载220次)


[文件操作] ultraMaGE_0.7.2_source

ultraMaGE是双窗口的文件管理器。有许多有用的功能,比如bookmarks, 高级文件操作,文件夹同步等等。
ultraMaGE is a dual-window file manager. Has many useful features such as bookmarks, advanced file operations, folder synchronization, etc.. (2007-10-18, Visual C++, 264KB, 下载29次)


[文件操作] FDiskThief

u can stole the paper tray for your purposes, and let others struggle is an entertainment software (2007-03-07, Visual C++, 35KB, 下载18次)


[文件操作] gaoxiangyingbi

document code, please download, and Xianghuzhuaigao, Thank you for your cooperation (2007-01-24, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载1次)
