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[教育系统应用] student-manage-system

Student management system that can be school students usually results, test date published, distributed scholarships and so on. If in the course of any problems, you can refer compressed inside the document. (2015-06-08, Visual C++, 7681KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] 2-3Library

老师直接免检的2-3树实现的数据结构期末课程设计 图书管理系统。 功能强大,管理员及读者双模式。读者可注册,管理员密码为 “password”。。附详细代码说明,适当修改后即可作为课程设计上交啦。
The teacher directly exempted from inspection the 2-3 tree for the data structure of the final course design of books management system management system. Powerful, administrators and readers dual mode.The reader can be registered, the administrator password is "password".Attach a detailed code, can be appropriately modified as curriculum design. (2014-06-11, Visual C++, 2465KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] school-management-system

The txt is doubly linked list to achieve school management system, enabling CRUD basic content, because I was so limited the ability of students, I hope you correct me. (2014-03-09, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Student-system

A simple "student achievement management system", requires its main features are: data entry, results sorting, query results, performance statistics, the basic functions of the scholarship evaluation, printing and so on. (2014-02-21, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] AverageGradesCalculation

This is a little program which will calculate the average grades of students and compare the grades (2014-01-19, Visual C++, 5207KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] student

vc environment using c programming language student information management system, welcome to Golden download (2014-01-02, Visual C++, 316KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] ScholarshipManagementSystem

Opening report Scholarship evaluation system for graduate students reference design (2013-12-15, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] v1.0

Comprehensive evaluation of performance management system (2013-07-23, Visual C++, 279KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] GraduDeMIS

Grouping VC++ graduation design management systems, new teachers graduated from the School of Mechanical Engineering design dual election system and limit the number of certain topics selected (2013-04-13, Visual C++, 1404KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] Excel

Own used VC++ codes for the Excel,basing on the MFC, using for the transfomaion and calculation of students grades, and the assessment of scholarship. To the friends who operate excel by vc++ codes,this can be used directly or by reference. (2012-12-05, Visual C++, 17635KB, 下载46次)


[教育系统应用] schalor

某校的惯例是在每学期的期末考试之后发放奖学金。发放的奖学金共有五种,获取的条件各自不同: • 1) 院士奖学金,每人8000元,期末平均成绩高于80分(>80),并且在本学期内发表1篇或1篇以上论文的学生均可获得; • 2) 五四奖学金,每人4000元,期末平均成绩高于85分(>85),并且班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生均可获得; • 3) 成绩优秀奖,每人2000元,期末平均成绩高于90分(>90)的学生均可获得;
The practice of a school scholarships after each semester' s final exam. There are five of the awards, their different access conditions: • 1) Fellow of scholarship of 8000 yuan per person, the end of grade point average higher than 80 points (80), and one or more than one paper during the semester students will be awarded • 2) fifty-four Scholarship, 4000 yuan per person, the end of grade point average above 85 points (> 85), and class council scored higher than 80 points (> 80), students will be awarded • 3) results Excellence Award, 2000 yuan per person, and the end of grade point average higher than 90 points (> 90), students will be awarded (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] SchoA

Scholarship assessed the C++ source. All the students enter a class five course results, the total score in each individual, in every subject pass, not subject to the sanctions record total score of the top five will receive scholarships, to output the names of five students, student number total score and the score of each course. (2012-04-30, Visual C++, 354KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] StudentCardManagementSystem

学生证管理系统 使用MFC 双界面链接 文本保存
Student Card Management System (2010-09-19, Visual C++, 619KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] classmanegement

student manegement system (2010-04-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] longgekuta

Professor Xiao Tianyuan for the book " Introduction to System Simulation," in reference to Runge-Kutta method is difficult to understand the phenomenon of post-graduate program, I have added comments to beginners can learn the corresponding algorithms and programming together, which could effectively implementation of control algorithms, using Runge-Kutta method for online real-time simulation, modeling, optimal control and adaptive control of a meaningful education. (2010-02-07, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载201次)


[教育系统应用] MicrosoftCertificationExamGuide

微软认证考试教程- 微软认证是微软公司设立的推广微软技术,培养系统网络管理和应用开发人才的完整技术金字塔证书体系,在全世界90多个国家认可有效,并且可以作为薪资职位变迁的有效证明,公司资质实力证明和移民加分等多项益处!
Microsoft Certification Exam Guide- Microsoft Certified Microsoft set up to promote Microsoft technology, culture system network management and application development technology talent pyramid complete certificate system, more than 90 countries around the world recognized, efficient and the jobs pay as valid proof of change , the company qualified to prove the strength and number of immigrants increases the benefits of grading! (2009-05-30, Visual C++, 512KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] StudentManagement

学生信息管理系统 (1). 学生学籍管理,录入、修改、查询、输出学生学籍信息,这些信息包括学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生异动情况、学生军训情况、学生毕业情况。 (2). 学生成绩管理,录入修改、查询、输出学生入校成绩,各学期、各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。 (3). 学生档案的管理,即录入、修改、查询、输出学生档案信息,这些信息包括学生基本情况、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处分情况、学生家庭信息、学生体检情况。
student management system (2009-05-24, Visual C++, 415KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] StudentManagementSystem

A student management system, there is only for entertainment purposes BUG are welcome to download, welcome to use, make after entering the system will be used (2009-01-29, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] SXWMIS

双学位管理系统。。。 主要是对学院的第二专业进行管理,采用MFC+ADO ACCE
Dual-degree management system. . . Mainly on the college (2008-07-03, Visual C++, 879KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] 10026

Who took the most scholarships, according to student achievement to determine the use of their scholarships, and finally calculate the total number of scholarships (2007-11-07, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载7次)
