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[OA办公系统] 53432641

工程中很多的地方用到龙格库塔求解微分方程的数值解,龙格库塔是很重要的一种方法,尤其是四阶的,精确度相当的高。此代码只是演示求一个微分方程,要求解其它的微分方程,可以自己定义借口函数,退换程序里面的函数:float f(float , float)即可;
project many places used for Runge- Kutta numerical solution of differential equations. Runge- Kutta is a very important one, especially in four bands, precision is high. This code is only for a demonstration of differential equations, required understanding of the other equation, can be an excuse for its own definition of function, inside were returned to the function : float f (float, float) can be; (2007-01-20, Visual C++, 212KB, 下载26次)
