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[3D图形编程] buchongxitidaima

computer second-level.For foundation weak, the need in a short period of time through the computer level 2 students, the source code will have a great effect.For a person with a certain basic computer, these source code can have the strengthening effect (2015-03-24, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载2次)


[3D图形编程] 3D

Now start generating real 3D object, rather than as the first two courses in the world in 2D as 3D objects. We give an increase in the left side of the triangle, one on the right side, the side of a post to generate a pyramid (pyramid). To increase the square left, right, up, down and back to generate a cube. (2014-03-04, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载1次)


[3D图形编程] Research-on-Optimization

介绍了基于模型的位姿估计中所使用的一些优化方法。为了提高位姿估计的精度, 摄像机的标定参数必须足够精确, 这就对标定过程的非线性优化算法提出了很高的要求, 采用了一种新的优化目标函数, 用来最小化控制点间的三维重建误 差, 从而使标定参数是全局最优 在双像机位姿估计中, 引入了实时遗传算法进行全局搜索, 加快了算法的收敛速度。最后的 实验证明了这些方法的正确性并显示出这些方法在精度上比传统方法有了较大程度的提高
 It int roduces s ome opt imizat ion methods in model-based pose est imat ion. Camera calibration parameters mus t be accurat e enough t o guarantee est imation precison. A new cos t function is proposed t o minimize the 3D reconst ruct ion error of control point s, and it makes calibrat ion paramet ers globally optimal. In binocular case, real-time genetic algorithm( RGA) is ex plored f or global searching, and it improves the converg ent speed. Ex periment s verif y these schemes , and they can improve es timat ion precis ion dramatically. (2013-04-14, Visual C++, 109KB, 下载19次)


[3D图形编程] Vega--HONGWAI

Vega 中的传感器模块在红外成像仿真中的应用 郑小宝王仕成廖守亿张金生苏德伦 (第二炮兵工程学院301 教研室陕西西安710025) 收稿日期:2008 - 08 - 21。国家自然科学基金项目(60572061)。郑 小宝,硕士生,主研领域:检测技术与自动化装置。 摘要针对红外成像制导系统仿真对红外场景的需求,提出一种基于Vega 中传感器模块的红外成像仿真的方法。介绍红外成 像仿真的原理及研究现状,阐述传感器模块的特点和功用。给出了红外图像实时生成系统的组成及工作流程,较为详细地阐述了红 外成像仿真的流程,重点阐述了红外传感器仿真模块、传感器视效模拟模块在红外成像仿真中的应用并给出了仿真结果。实验证 明,该方法能够满足实际任务对图像仿真逼真度和实时性的要求。
Considering the infrared scene the infrared imaging guidance system simulation requires,a method of infrared imaging simulation based on sensor module in Vega was introduced. Apart from introducing the principle and research status quo of the infrared imaging simulation, the features and the functions of the sensor modules were also described. The components and work flow of the real-time infrared image generation system were presented. The flow of the infrared imaging simulation was expounded,the emphasis was put on explaining the application of SensorVision and SensorWorks in infrared imaging simulation and the simulation results was given. Experiments indicated that the method can meet the fidelity and real-time requirement of the practical assignment (2013-01-24, Visual C++, 663KB, 下载17次)


[3D图形编程] Creator-Vega-

基于Creator 和Vega 的红外图像实时生成软件设计 郑小宝,王仕成,廖守亿,张金生,苏德伦,杨述华 (第二炮兵工程学院制导与仿真实验室,陕西 西安 710025) 摘要:针对红外成像仿真对高逼真高实时动态红外图像的需求,提出了一种以Visual C++为开发平 台,基于可视化仿真软件Creator 和Vega 设计开发红外图像实时生成软件的方法重点讨论了在Vega 环境下开发红外图像实时生成软件的设计流程和TMM 工具、MAT 工具以及Sensor 模块功能模块的 功用,同时对软件进行了实时性设计。
The Design of Real Time Infrared Image Generation Software Based on Creator and Vega (2013-01-24, Visual C++, 796KB, 下载34次)


[3D图形编程] OgreP3d-1.7-beginner-Guide

ogre 3D 1.7 初学者指南,中英文双鱼版,非常棒,买电子书要13刀
Beas version of Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner' s Guide, in English, is great, buy e-book 13 knife (2012-06-08, Visual C++, 8624KB, 下载11次)


[3D图形编程] Chap11

《3D游戏编程》韩 金容俊 随书光盘第11章 shader脚本与工程源代码
" 3D game programming" Han Jin Rongjun CD along with book eleventh chapterShader script and project source code (2011-12-19, Visual C++, 12706KB, 下载6次)


[3D图形编程] VS-Toon-1-No-Outlines

Special effects animation files, shader is very suitable for beginners, it is Golden program (2011-09-27, Visual C++, 4903KB, 下载9次)


[3D图形编程] Stereoscopic-Player-v1.61

Very, very easy to use dual-projection, 3D playback software, without pause, small size (2011-04-28, Visual C++, 5309KB, 下载34次)


[3D图形编程] YFStereoBuilder

本套三维立体画制作工具提供了制作三维立体画所需的各种功能。国内此类产品不多,而这套工具提 供了几乎没有其它哪个免费产品可以比拟的特性。以下是这个软件的全部特点: 1、流程简洁,简单易学。 2、在真正的三维场景下用如同给3D模型“照相”的方法轻松制作您的作品。 3、内部采用双深度缓存技术,3D信息全面,左右对称。 4、支持使用最为广泛的3D模型文件*.3ds以及文本格式的*.obj和*.objf,使此软件具有了高度的开放性 和可扩展性。 5、采用无缝纹理贴接,过取样算法等技术,图像质量高人一筹,平滑无锯齿,完全可与您看到的任何一本 三维立体画出版物媲美。 6、算法高度优化,用时极短。 凭借这套软件的优异性能,您会很快学会制作自己的三维立体画,满足您艺术创作的要求。
A Stereo Picture Generator (2010-05-19, Visual C++, 5626KB, 下载53次)


[3D图形编程] glut

vc do double-buffering animation glut (2010-03-10, Visual C++, 1262KB, 下载17次)


[3D图形编程] wutitouming

quest3d控制物体透明的源文件 效果很好凤飞飞
quest3d control objects and transparent source file works well (2010-01-12, Visual C++, 1652KB, 下载11次)



OSG s MFC Multiple Document Interface program, double-window display, including perspective and overlooking the main angle (2008-12-04, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载184次)



OSG s MFC Multiple Document Interface program, double-window display, including perspective and overlooking the main angle (2008-12-04, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载298次)


[3D图形编程] OpenGLmade3D

OpenGL to achieve cube, OpenGl animation is mainly through the provision of double-buffering to achieve, after debugging (2008-10-14, Visual C++, 44KB, 下载125次)


[3D图形编程] caise3D

OpenGL animation, to achieve color cube rotating movement, OpenGl animation provided mainly through the realization of double-buffering. One for mapping, one for display, operation can be achieved (2008-10-14, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载35次)


[3D图形编程] CTimeShow

This is an application of double-buffering technology. Show the time-consuming procedures. (2008-03-08, Visual C++, 1864KB, 下载30次)


[3D图形编程] 3DreconstructionbasedonVTK

VTK-based three-dimensional scene reconstruction, the data source for the three-dimensional laser scanner, very good results apply to a wide range. (2007-11-28, Visual C++, 388KB, 下载173次)


[3D图形编程] threedimentionProject

point perspective projection transform and double three times Bezier surface rendering algorithm, Oh, very useful. In VC 6.0 compiler passed. (2006-11-02, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载163次)


[3D图形编程] Kriging 算法实现 2D和3D地图等高线

利用vc++实现Kriging 算法,此算法实现 2D和3D地图等高线
use vc achieve Kriging algorithm, the algorithm to achieve 2D and 3D contour maps (2005-12-31, Visual C++, 223KB, 下载766次)
