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[游戏引擎] JY_SDL_Lua_0.6_release

Microsoft Office Excel 2003,LUA 0.6 JY story! (2013-09-17, Visual C++, 6218KB, 下载34次)


[游戏引擎] CryENGINE3_Sandbox_Source

这个是CryENGINE3 Sandbox Editor的Source....好像不太完整,仅供学习交流使用..切勿用于商业目的,否则后果自负...谢谢合作(包含脚本编辑器移机我哪里编辑器等相关模块的大致源程序,无注释)
This is the CryENGINE3 Sandbox Editor Source... As if not complete, only the exchange of learning to use. Do not be used for commercial purposes, or peril... Thank you (roughly the source code, including the script editor moving me where editor module without comment) (2013-03-04, Visual C++, 11824KB, 下载78次)


[游戏引擎] Tutorials

Game engine, the application of the latest graphics technology KlayGE latest version of KlayGE4.2 of this is the Tutorial part, klayGE dual license (2013-02-22, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载6次)


[游戏引擎] kfont

Game engine, the application of the latest graphics technology the latest version KlayGE4.2 of KlayGE its font display part, klayGE dual license (2013-02-22, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载3次)


[游戏引擎] Exporters

Game engine, the application of the latest graphics technology KlayGE latest version of KlayGE4.2 of the export part of its model, klayGE dual license (2013-02-22, Visual C++, 27KB, 下载3次)


[游戏引擎] Plugins

Applying the latest graphics technology game engine, KlayGE, The latest version 4.2, which is part of the source code of its plug-ins. KlayGE4.2 Dual License (2013-02-22, Visual C++, 237KB, 下载3次)


[游戏引擎] Core

Applying the latest graphics technology game engine, KlayGE, The latest version 4.2, which is the core part of the source code. KlayGE4.2 Dual License (2013-02-22, Visual C++, 380KB, 下载3次)


[游戏引擎] dtsl2003

mud 大唐双龙传的源码 战斗系统很有特色,不同于其他mud
The source of the mud Twin Of Brothers combat system very unique, unlike other mud (2012-07-02, Visual C++, 3293KB, 下载18次)


[游戏引擎] 3D-Game-Design

网络游戏,目前已经是最大众化的娱乐之一,而其中的 3D 网络游戏也是技 术含金量非常高的软件项目之一。游戏开发在技术层面上已经逐步有了一套相对 比较成熟的方法:从底层核心的3D 引擎到中间环节和具体游戏逻辑相关的程序 框架再到最高层的游戏逻辑脚本驱动,这标志着3D 游戏开发已经开始进入了标 准流程化的开发阶段。3D 游戏产品已是工业化的软件开发产品。
Internet network game has become one of the most popular entertainments. The development of the 3D online game is a high technology project. Gradually, there forms a ripe way on the development of the 3D game: 3D game engine, application framework, running time game logic drove by script, it is indicated that the development of 3D game has enter into a standard and industrialized period. Now, the 3D game is industrialized product. (2011-09-30, Visual C++, 1388KB, 下载11次)


[游戏引擎] Game-Engine-for-Mobile-Game-

A book on game engines. Keywords: learning game, mobile phone design, entertainment, imitation, training systems. (2011-06-02, Visual C++, 374KB, 下载5次)


[游戏引擎] FWTJ-Server-Code

This is the end of service Fung Mo Jiao GS-day complete source for the study of great help online game developers (2011-04-02, Visual C++, 152KB, 下载118次)


[游戏引擎] FWTJ-MapEdit-Code

This is a map of Fung Mo Tian-jiao complete source code editing tool, to be of great help to learn game development (2011-04-02, Visual C++, 377KB, 下载70次)


[游戏引擎] g

交互式数码娱乐引擎服务器端研究与开发 花钱从网站上买的论文。论述并且详细的讲述了服务器网络游戏的开发。特别是大型网游的开发
Interactive digital entertainment engine server-side research and development money to buy the paper from the site. Discussed and described in detail server network game development. In particular the development of large-scale online games (2010-04-02, Visual C++, 2168KB, 下载26次)
