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[钩子与API截获] dllzhuru

DLL的远程注入技术 - DLL的远程注入技术是目前Win32病毒广泛使用的一种技术。使用这种技术的病毒体通常位于一个DLL中,在系统启动的时候,一个EXE程序会将这个DLL加载至某些系统进程(如Explorer.exe)中运行。这样一来,普通的进程管理器就很难发现这种病毒了,而且即使发现了也很难清除,因为只要病毒寄生的进程不终止运行,那么这个DLL就不会在内存中卸载,用户也就无法在资源管理器中删除这个DLL文件,真可谓一箭双雕哉。
The remote DLL injection techniques- Remote DLL injection technology is a technique widely used Win32 virus. Virions using this technique is usually located in a DLL, this DLL, an EXE program will load when the system starts to certain system processes (such as Explorer.exe) run. Thus, the ordinary process management is difficult to find such a virus, and even find it difficult to remove, as long as the process does not terminate the operation of the virus parasitic, then this DLL would not unloaded in memory, the user you can not delete the DLL file in the Explorer, are really a double-edged sword, holy. (2012-10-26, Visual C++, 44KB, 下载12次)


[钩子与API截获] QQ

QQ automatic information can harass you, give to fight back, but only for entertainment, not to fool around ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (2012-06-12, Visual C++, 1713KB, 下载12次)


[钩子与API截获] WordEditionHook

This procedure is a demo of “Google co-operation PowerWord Edition”.It provides mouse shield, and at the same time provide some window handles as well as the edit contents whiech the users input (through the pop-up dialog box) (2009-02-15, Visual C++, 9862KB, 下载4次)
