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[android开发] RP

A run on the Android mobile client personality test procedures, by the Java source code implementation, test results can be generated based on the input of the age, name and lucky number, you can tell the character value is a simple Android game The source code is only for entertainment, learning and reference. (2013-05-13, Visual C++, 198KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] books_and_source_codes

包含的三本资料以及两个源码文件! 依据自定义的单词表(运行时查找单词库路径)对输入的单词进行拼写检查 支持一下三种错误类型: 1) 双写某一位 eg word->wword 2) 漏写某一位 eg word->ord 3) 写错某一位 eg word -> xord 以上三种错误输入, 均将被纠正为单词表中的正确单词word。
Contains three and two source files! Find the word library path based custom word list (run) on the input word spell checker to support three types of errors: 1) dual-write a particular eg word-> wword 2) leakage write the a particular eg word- > ord 3) wrong a eg a word-> xord these three input error will be corrected for the correct word for word in the word list. (2013-03-23, Visual C++, 1477KB, 下载6次)


[android开发] m8tinyloader-src

Meizu M8 use Tinyloader source, with production of dual-boot firmware M8 tuning (2011-05-01, Visual C++, 192KB, 下载23次)
