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[多媒体] TowVod

Dragon Card, also known as dual control Mirage Dragon card controls that monitor and display song dragon card while simultaneously screen. (2010-04-28, Visual C++, 4625KB, 下载100次)


[多媒体] ServingSystemBasedOnIPTV

该系统支持具有IPTV交互特点的课后练习、测试以及答疑等学习活动,可以使传统远程教育系统告别单一被动的节目接受,走向集在线学习、游戏娱乐、生活服务于一体的更为丰富多彩的互动数字化教育,并有效解决实时课堂传输中视频质量的问题,以及随着用户数目的聚增而产生的网络带宽瓶颈等问题。该系统主要由EGP用户显示界面、频道产生器和数据库等部分组成,主要以Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具,用SQL Server2000实现数据库部分,具有技术先进、操作简单、成本低等特点,更加适用于村镇中小学教育、党员教育、社区教育和教师培训等各种形式的远程教育教学活动。
To address the above problems, this thesis argues that developing a IPTV-based educational network service system in a new sense,which integrate the P2P technology and streaming media technology as a major support. This system will support many learning activities, such as after-school practice, testing, qustion and answer, which have interactive features with IPTV. It also means that the traditional distance education system program will say goodbye to passive and single, and become to more variety, which including online learning, entertainment, life service and so on. At the same time, this system could effectively solve problems about video quality in real-time classroom transmission, and network bandwidth bottlenecks that bring about by increasing of the customers number. This system mainly conclude three sections: EGP user interface part, Channel Generator and data base. We choose Visual Studio 2005 as a development tool, and use SQL Server2000 database to accomplish it’s functio (2010-04-06, Visual C++, 1764KB, 下载39次)


[多媒体] 演示汉诺塔问题

HANOR examples of problems (2004-11-03, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载37次)
