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[编译器/解释器] 1

编译原理 词法分析 [实验项目] 完成以下正则文法所描述的C和Pascal语言子集单词符号的词法分析程序。 <标识符>→字母︱ <标识符>字母︱ <标识符>数字 <无符号整数>→数字︱ <无符号整数>数字 <单字符分界符> →+ ︱- ︱* ︱; ︱(︱) <双字符分界符>→<大于>=︱<小于>=︱<小于>>︱<冒号>=︱<斜竖>* <小于>→< <等于>→= <大于>→> <冒号> →: <斜竖> →/ 该语言的保留字 :begin end if then else for do while and o r not
Compiler theory lexical analysis [pilot project following the completion of regular grammars as described in C and Pascal language subset word symbols of lexical analysis procedures. < Identifier> → letters ︱ < identifier> letter ︱ < identifier> Digital < unsigned integer> → digital ︱ < unsigned integer> Digital < single character boundaries operator> → the PPLS ︱- |* | | (|) < two-character delimiter> → < greater than> = ︱ < less than> = ︱ < less than> ︱ < colon> = ︱ < oblique vertical> * < less than> → < < equal to> -> = < greater than> →> < colon> →: → < inclined Vertical> /language reserved words: begin end if then else for do while and or not (2013-05-19, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载11次)


[编译器/解释器] pythonexplain

Python 简单解释器,(1) 每行为单独的语句,不需要支持语句换行; (2) 支持整数类型数据的四则运算(+, ‐, *, /)及变量赋值,不需要支持长整型或其他数据类型以及其他数据类型的运算; (3) 支持简单的if 语句(只需支持if 和else 关键词)和while 语句(只需支持while 和break 关键词),且只需要支持单 一判断条件,不需要支持嵌套的if、嵌套的while 语句,不需要支持多个逻辑表达式的布尔运算(and/or/not); (4) 支持简单的print 语句,用以打印整数和简单的字符串(以双引号给出且不换行,不需要支持字符串的格式化输 出);
Simple Python interpreter (1) Every behavior is a separate statement, you do not need to support the statement wrap (2) support the integer type data of the four operations (+,-,*, /) and variable assignment, you do not need to support long integer or other data types, and other data types of operations (3) to support simple if statement (only if and else keywords) and while statements (simply supported while and break keyword), and the need to support only a single judgment conditions, not need to support nested if nested while statement, you do not need to support multiple logical expressions Boolean operators (and/or/not) (4) support a simple print statement to print an integer and simple character string (in double quotes are given without wrapping, do not need to support a string of formatted output) (2013-05-15, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载8次)


[编译器/解释器] 123

Mutual Convert a string of multi-byte and double-byte string handling extremely respective 5.0, compiled by (2012-06-07, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] PL0Csdasf

gooooooooood this is so nice (2011-12-31, Visual C++, 298KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] pl0

双版本pl0对照起来 很韵味网上找了那么多就数这个最好了。。
双版本pl0对照起来 很韵味 (2011-12-31, Visual C++, 271KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] dancicifafenxi

完成以下正则文法所描述的Pascal语言子集单词符号的词法分析程序。 <标识符>→字母︱ <标识符>字母︱ <标识符>数字 <无符号整数>→数字︱ <无符号整数>数字 <单字符分界符> →+ ︱- ︱* ︱ ︱(︱) <双字符分界符>→<大于>=︱<小于>=︱<小于>>︱<冒号>=︱<斜竖>* <小于>→< <等于>→= <大于>→> <冒号> →: <斜竖> →/ 该语言的保留字 :begin end if then else for do while and or not 说明: 1 该语言大小写不敏感。 2 字母为a-z A-Z,数字为0-9
Complete the following regular grammar describes a subset of Pascal language word symbols of the lexical analysis process. < Identifier> → letters ︱ < identifier> Alphabet ︱ < identifier> number < unsigned integer> → Digital ︱ < unsigned integer> number < single-character delimiter> →+ ︱- ︱ ︱* ︱ (︱) < two-character delimiter> → < greater than> = ︱ < less than> = ︱ < less than> > ︱ < colon> = ︱ < oblique shaft> * < less than> → < < mean> → = < greater than> →> < colon> →: < oblique vertical> →/reserved words of the language: begin end if then else for do while and or not: 1 The language is not case sensitive. 2 letters az AZ, numbers 0-9 (2011-11-11, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载30次)


[编译器/解释器] cifa

完成下述文法所描述的单词符号的词法分析程序,文法如下: <标识符>--><字母>|<标识符><字母>|<标识符><数字> <无符号整数>--><数字>|<无符号整数><数字> <分界符>-->+|-|*|/| |(|)|{|}|<|<=|=|!=|>=|>|:=|<空格> <字母>-->a|…|z|A|…|Z <数字>-->0|…|9 <空格>-->’ ’ 说明: (1) 假定该语言对字母的大小写不敏感,由指定文件读入预分析的源程序,分析结果再写入指定文件; (2) 假定语言的关键字为"begin","if","end","else","then","for","while","to","do","and","not","or","write"; (3)本程序规定输出用KeyWord代表关键字,Word代表普通标识符,Digit代表阿拉伯数字,SingleWord代表单分界符,DoubleWord代表双分界符,ERROR代表无法识别的字符。
Complete the following grammar describes the word s lexical analysis program symbols, the grammar is as follows: <Identifier >-->< letter> | <identifier> <letter> | <identifier> <number> <Unsigned integer >-->< number> | <unsigned int> <number> <Delimiter >-->+|-|*|/| |(|)|{|}|<|<=|=|!=|>=|>|:=|< spaces> <Letter>-> a | ... | z | A | ... | Z <Number>-> 0 | ... | 9 <Space >--> Description: (1) assumes that the language of the letters are not case sensitive, specify the file read by the pre-analysis of the source code analysis and then write to the specified file (2) assumes that the language of the keyword "begin", "if", "end", "else", "then", "for", "while", "to", "do", "and", " not "," or "," write " (3) The procedural requirements on behalf of output with KeyWord keyword, Word on behalf of common identifiers, Digit behalf of the Arab figures, SingleWor (2011-06-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[编译器/解释器] NOTEPAD

Compiler on the text of a small East, completely out of entertainment fun! (2010-11-09, Visual C++, 32KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] DoubleLinkedList

double linked list (2010-09-24, Visual C++, 34KB, 下载87次)


[编译器/解释器] oj

(n阶Hanoi塔问题)假设有三个分别命名为A、B、C的塔座,在塔座A上插有n(n<20)个直径大小各不相同、依小到大编号为1,2,…,n的圆盘。现要求将A轴上的n个圆盘移至塔座C上并仍按同样顺序叠排,圆盘移动时必须遵循下列规则: 1)每次只能移动一个圆盘; 2)圆盘可以插在A、B、C中的任一塔座上; 3)任何时刻都不能将一个较大的圆盘压在较小的圆盘之上。 请通过编程来打印出移动的步骤. Input 只有一组输入数据.输入数据N( 表示在开始时A塔座上的盘子数),当输入0时程序结束. Output 输出移动的步骤.如"A-->C","A-->B"等.每两的步骤之间有三个空格隔开,每输出5个步骤就换行.详细的见Sample Output. Sample Input 5 2 0 Sample Output A-->C A-->B C-->B A-->C B-->A B-->C A-->C A-->B C-->B C-->A B-->A C-->B A-->C A-->B C-->B A-->C B-->A B-->C A-->C B-->A C-->B C-->A B-->A B-->C A-->C A-->B C-->B A-->C B-->A B-->C A-->C A-->B A-->C B-->C
(n阶Hanoi塔问题)假设有三个分别命名为A、B、C的塔座,在塔座A上插有n(n<20)个直径大小各不相同、依小到大编号为1,2,…,n的圆盘。现要求将A轴上的n个圆盘移至塔座C上并仍按同样顺序叠排,圆盘移动时必须遵循下列规则: 1)每次只能移动一个圆盘; 2)圆盘可以插在A、B、C中的任一塔座上; 3)任何时刻都不能将一个较大的圆盘压在较小的圆盘之上。 请通过编程来打印出移动的步骤. Input 只有一组输入数据.输入数据N( 表示在开始时A塔座上的盘子数),当输入0时程序结束. Output 输出移动的步骤.如"A-->C","A-->B"等.每两的步骤之间有三个空格隔开,每输出5个步骤就换行.详细的见Sample Output. Sample Input 5 2 0 Sample Output A-->C A-->B C-->B A-->C B-->A B-->C A-->C A-->B C-->B C-->A B-->A C-->B A-->C A-->B C-->B A-->C B-->A B-->C A-->C B-->A C-->B C-->A B-->A B-->C A-->C A-->B C-->B A-->C B-->A B-->C A-->C A-->B A-->C B-->C (2010-01-05, Visual C++, 190KB, 下载5次)


[编译器/解释器] cgc

c 语言写的C语言编译器,使用vc++6.0,两人合作完成的
the c compile with c language finsheed! (2009-04-12, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载14次)


[编译器/解释器] Compiler

编译课上做的小程序,用四种分析方法分别实现(LL1,算符优先,递归下降,简单词法分析) 完成对正则文法所描述的Pascal语言子集单词符号的词法分析程序。 <标识符>→字母︱ <标识符>字母︱ <标识符>数字 <无符号整数>→数字︱ <无符号整数>数字 <单字符分界符> →+ ︱- ︱* ︱ ︱(︱) <双字符分界符>→<大于>=︱<小于>=︱<小于>>︱<冒号>=︱<斜竖>* <小于>→< <等于>→= <大于>→> <冒号> →: <斜竖> →/ 识别语言的保留字 :begin end if then else for do while and or not
Compiler class to do a small procedure, analytical methods were used to achieve four (LL1, operator priority, recursive descent, a simple lexical analysis) to complete the grammar is described in a subset of the Pascal language word lexical analysis program symbols. < Identifier> → letters ︱ < identifier> letters ︱ < identifier> figures < unsigned integer> → Digital ︱ < unsigned integer> figures < single character boundaries Fu> →+ ︱- ︱ ︱* ︱ (︱) < two-character boundaries Fu> → < greater than> = ︱ < less than> = ︱ < less than> > ︱ < colon> = ︱ < oblique vertical> * < less than> → < < equal> → = < greater than> →> < colon> →: < oblique vertical> →/recognition of language reserved word: begin end if then else for do while and or not (2009-04-10, Visual C++, 472KB, 下载11次)


[编译器/解释器] cifafenxiqi(new)

词法分析器制作与应用 设计思想 (1)程序主体结构部分: 说明部分 %% 规则部分 %% 辅助程序部分 (2)主体结构的说明 在这里说明部分告诉我们使用的LETTER,DIGIT, IDENT(标识符,通常定义为字母开头的字母数字串)和STR(字符串常量,通常定义为双引号括起来的一串字符)是什么意思.这部分也可以包含一些初始化代码.例如用#include来使用标准的头文件和前向说明(forward ,references).这些代码应该再标记"%{"和"%}"之间 规则部分> 可以包括任何你想用来分析的代码 我们这里包括了忽略所有注释中字符的功能,传送ID名称和字符串常量内容到主调函数和main函数的功能. (3)实现原理 程序中先判断这个句语句中每个单元为关键字、常数、运算符、界符,对与不同的单词符号给出不同编码形式的编码,用以区分之。 PL/0语言的EBNF表示 <常量定义>::=<标识符>=<无符号整数> <标识符>::=<字母>={<字母>|<数字>} <加法运算符>::=+|- <乘法运算符>::=*|/ <关系运算符>::==|#|<|<=|>|>= <字母>::=a|b|…|X|Y|Z <数字>::=0|1|2|…|8|9
lexical analyzer production and application design (1) procedure main structural elements : narrative%%%% Rules of Procedure supporting part (2) the main structure of the narrative here to tell us so The LETTER, DIGIT, IDENT (identifier, usually defined as the beginning of the alphabet alphanumeric strings) and STR (string constants, usually defined as double quotes name of the string of characters) what it meant. This part also contains some initialization code. cases# include use as to the use of standard documents and the first to the (forward, references). these codes should labeled "% (" and ")%" between some of the rules (2007-06-16, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载9次)


[编译器/解释器] CFF

With the vc contact surface extremely similar morphology analyzer, brought the entertainment function, the broadcast video and music oh (2004-11-10, Visual C++, 483KB, 下载36次)


[编译器/解释器] UniVar

A multi-threaded, multi-process platform to explain the script compiler that can run multiple copies of the script code, the process can directly interface to load arbitrary dynamic library, the implementation of the database library access, stored procedures and sql statements, support for dual-interface load com in support of multi-machine communications, CTI has been used for development, (2003-01-11, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载375次)
