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[Java编程] hanoi

由于汉诺塔移动的次数实在太多,神庙的和尚们决定偷懒。为了虔诚地偷 懒,他们用严格的语言描述了新的规则: 1. 有三根柱子,编号为0、1、2。初始状态下,0 号柱子从底向上按照从大 到小的次序依次放置了n 个金盘。 2. 每次移动将一根柱子最顶部的一个金盘移动到另一根柱子的最顶部。在整 个操作过程中,每根柱子上的最底部的金盘必须是最大的,而其他金盘的 顺序可以和大小无关。 3. 希望通过移动达到的目标状态是,2 号柱子从底向上按照从大到小的次序 依次放置这n 个金盘。 Figure1中的移动在新的规则下是合法的,总体的移动次数也从原规则下的 15 次减少到了13 次。 编写程序,用尽量少的移动次数解决懒和尚汉诺塔问题。
Because too many times to move the Tower of Hanoi, temple monks decided to be lazy. To piously lazy, they use strict language to describe a new rule: 1. There are three columns, numbered 0,1,2. Initially, the No. 0 column the bottom up in order of descending successively placed n gold plate. 2. Each movement will be a pillar of one of the top gold plate is moved to the top of the other pillars. Throughout the operation, the bottom of each column on a gold plate must be the biggest, but the order of the other gold discs can be independent of the size. 3. hopes to achieve the goal of moving the state is on the 2nd column the bottom up in order of descending place these n gold disc in order. Figure1 The move is legal under the new rules, the overall number of moves is also reduced 15 under the original rules to the 13 times. Programming, less exhausted the number of moves to solve the Towers of Hanoi problem lazy monk. (2015-11-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] 342432-

hanoi dynamic program (2015-11-01, Visual C++, 102KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Hanoi

Honio塔:假设有三个命名为 A B C 的塔座 ,在塔座A上插有n个直径大小不相同,由小到大编号为1 ,2 ,3 ,··· ,n的圆盘,要求将A座上的圆盘移至塔座C
Honio Tower: Suppose there are three named ABC of the pylon, the pylon is inserted n A different diameter sizes, small to large numbered 1, 2, 3,, n the disc, requires A seat disc moved pylon C (2015-07-06, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] java_shadu

java antivirus computer in a few days ago, the Vikings viruses, specifically infected EXE files, and even the antivirus software also caught. Decided to write their own procedures to remove these viruses. The following is a programming ideas and source, special show for all to share with you (2014-09-15, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] chessgame

Click the version of Chinese chess, for entertainment only, but also for learning Java programming with (2014-06-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] Cchessgamel

Click the version of Chinese chess, for entertainment only used only for learning the Java programming with (2014-06-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] BombsWere

The preparation of a cell phone with JAVA Games bomb people, you can spare time for entertainment. (2014-06-29, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] TextOutshuchu

Use textout function, use textout dual cache, good (2013-12-29, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] test

Java源代码,自己制作的纯属娱乐飞过海 梵蒂冈豆腐干反对广泛的法国等国豆腐干豆腐干
Java source code to produce their own purely recreational flying over the sea against a wide range of France, the Vatican tofu tofu tofu and other countries (2011-03-10, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] C

C, under a small program to share discussion, thank you, a lot to teach (2010-06-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] Pacman

pacman (2010-01-11, Visual C++, 302KB, 下载97次)


[Java编程] Hannoi

Tower of Hanoi' s realization of Tower of Hanoi is the A pillar B pillar of the disc through the column to move to C (2009-10-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)
