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[数据库编程] sdf

Share something for everyone to learn together entertainment, learning together and progress together, on here, thank you (2014-06-29, Visual C++, 958KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] GraduDeMIS

VC/C++ source code, database applications, graduation design, dual election system registered a new teacher split the class into groups and provides registration function (2013-04-02, Visual C++, 1407KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] CPP-MFC-library-management-system

感谢您使用图书信息管理系统。 本帮助文档将为用户对基本的操作说明与对故障的应对方法。 请确认您使用的使用的图书信息管理系统为Yove(覃一斐)&Jeniss(田宇驰)合作开发。
Thank you for the use of library information management system.The help documentation for users of the basic operation and the fault response.Please confirm your use of the library information management system for the Yove ( Tan Yifei ) &Jeniss ( Tian Yuchi ) cooperative development. (2012-03-27, Visual C++, 10846KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] FMS

The full application document management system to overcome corporate shortcomings of traditional document management methods to improve management of the daily office efficiency and enhance collaboration within the enterprise capabilities Document Management System to facilitate the effective management of document management, while significantly to improve the efficiency of the document search, and to improve the overall efficiency of enterprises. (2010-03-24, Visual C++, 7676KB, 下载50次)


[数据库编程] chang

Will be classified in a database file conversion to another classification, for example, can be transferred to the Entertainment News Newsletter (2009-04-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] VC++6+MSQL

1. 基本信息的管理系统,基本功能如下: (1)能够完成新、老生信息的输入、修改、删除等工作,学生的基本信息,包括学号、姓名、性别、籍贯等,具体可根据需求自行设计; (2)能够完成课程信息的输入、修改、删除等工作,课程的基本信息,包括课程编号、课程名称、学时、学分、先修课等,具体可根据需求自行设计; (3)可以按照特定的信息进行查找,并按照特定的要求进行排序; (4)可以对学生及课程的基本信息进行打印输出; 2. 学生成绩的管理,基本功能如下: (1)学生成绩的输入、修改、删除等基本操作; (2)成绩的查询功能,可以按学号、姓名等进行成绩查询; (3)成绩的综合统计功能,包括学生成绩按照不同条件进行排名,管理人员可以选择不的排序条件,并可以将排序结果进行打印输出; (4)计算每个学生的总成绩、平均成绩,所有学生单科的平均成绩,找出总成绩和单科成绩最高的学生并输出; (5)计算各班的总分和平均分,并按照平均分将各班成绩进行排序。 (6)统计不及格考生的信息; (7)学生奖励统计,自动生成每班获得奖学金的同学的信息,并可以将奖学金分成不同的等级,以及所得奖学金的数目。
err (2008-10-26, Visual C++, 6590KB, 下载52次)
