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按分类查找All 单片机开发(10) 
按平台查找All LabView(10) 

[单片机开发] Dual-Channel-SpecMeas

双通示波器频谱测量的滤波器设计 经过待通过滤波器处理后的频率响应,以及滤波前后的信号的双通道谱测量的结果进行分析,检查滤波器后的信号是否满足用户的频率范围要求
Design of Filter for Spectrum Measurement of Dual Oscilloscope After the filter to be processed by the frequency response, and the signal before and after filtering the results of dual-channel spectrum measurement to check the signal after the filter to meet the user s frequency range requirements (2016-12-02, LabView, 172KB, 下载9次)


[单片机开发] Flatten-Control

Flatter machine position closed loop control program written in Labview, dual cylinder position error PID adjustment (2016-03-22, LabView, 11KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] PC-serial-communication-LABVIEW

serial communication between 2 computers (2015-08-05, LabView, 129KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] virtual--oscilloscope-using-labview

基于labview 的虚拟示波器设计。满足示波器基本功能。双通道,显示坐标自动调节
virtual oscilloscope design using the labview (2015-03-10, LabView, 63KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] Virtual-oscilloscope

Based on LabVIEW software development environment platform, sets up Dual-channel virtual oscilloscope interface, and separately design modules such as Data Acquisition on virtual oscilloscope, filtering process, time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, waveform storage and recall, realize waveform display and processing, waveform storage and recall. (2014-11-25, LabView, 177KB, 下载56次)


[单片机开发] Agilent-E3647A-two-outputs

Agilent E3647 double-channel control dc power supply, can control the dual channel voltage and output current 0 ~ 60 v voltage range, current range 0 ~ 1.5 a (2014-04-25, LabView, 39KB, 下载17次)


[单片机开发] LabVIEW-serial

实现PC与PC之间的串口通信 即一个简单的双机聊天程序
PC and PC serial communication between the two aircraft that is a simple chat program (2013-05-28, LabView, 10KB, 下载7次)


[单片机开发] Analysis-Coupling-in-PMFr

White light interference from the basic theory, analysis of the dispersion on the two-fold test of the polarization coupling is proposed to improve the measurement of the polarization coupling length of the maximum test frequency domain analysis program. In the laboratory have developed a distributed polarization coupling on the basis of the test instrument, built the system frequency domain analysis, completed a LabVIEW software system design, the white light interference spectrum algorithm. At the same time experiments on the theoretical analysis of frequency domain theory to calculate the PMF of the measured coupling strength, extending the distance between the test polarization coupling. (2011-04-17, LabView, 1130KB, 下载15次)


[单片机开发] labviewdatasampling

LABVIEW-based data acquisition system called Lab-VIEW summarizes the port operation icon, call the C language using the icon CIN drivers and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) technology to achieve common LabVIEW data acquisition card driven approach. AC6010 card for dual commitments, successfully achieved LabVIEW to directly call for the establishment of a dynamic library and call. Developed a higher cost of data acquisition system. (2010-11-07, LabView, 1760KB, 下载32次)


[单片机开发] twoChannelOscillograph

基于PC声卡的双通道示波器设计(LabVIEW实现),从音频接口输入,带宽20k ,希望后来者使用其他接口如USB实现,提高带宽
PC sound card based dual-channel oscilloscope design (LabVIEW implementation), from the audio interface input bandwidth of 20k, then those who want to use other interfaces such as USB implementation, increase the bandwidth (2010-03-07, LabView, 209KB, 下载126次)
