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[数学计算] lispChinesetower

编写LISP函数解决Hanoi Tower(汉塔)问题。问题如下:梵塔内有A,B,C三个柱子,开始时A柱上有n个盘子,盘子大小不等,大的在下,小的在上。要把这n个盘子从A柱移到B柱,每次只允许移动一个盘子,且在移动过程中在3个柱子上都始终保持大盘在下,小盘在上。在移动过程中可以利用C柱,要求程序输出移动的步骤。
Write LISP function to solve the problem of Hanoi is Tower (Chinese tower). The questions are as follows: Brahma tower A, B, C, of ​ ​ the three columns, the beginning of the A pillar n plates, the plates of varying sizes, big next on. Take the n-plate from the A pillar to the B-pillar, only allowed to move a plate at a time during the move, always keep the market in the next three columns, small. During the move can take advantage of the C-pillar, steps for program output moving. (2012-06-18, LISP, 6KB, 下载2次)
