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[MacOS编程] CollectionView-Simple

Demonstrates how to use UICollectionView, a way to present ordered data to users in a grid-like fashion. With a collection view object, you are able to define the presentation and arrangement of embedded views. The collection view class works closely with an accompanying layout object to define the placement of individual data items. In this example UIKit provides a standard flow-based layout object that you can use to implement multi-column grids containing items of a standard size. (2019-04-04, Objective-C, 10370KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] MonoAudioConvert

Object-C 单声道音频合成 单声道,振荡器模块 双振荡器 方形,三角形,锯齿,反向锯齿波 倍频选择,支持5个八度 音符间滑行(滞处理器) 振荡器细齿(多个倍频程) 振荡器同步 低通滤波器模块 调制模块 tremelo/ WAVE 颤音/硬沥青 过滤 包络发生器模块 支持的ADSR(攻击,衰减,保持,释放) 体积 滤波器(低通滤波器的数量)
Object-C mono audio synthesis Features Monophonic, playing one note at a time like a class synthesizer Oscillator Module Dual oscillators Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, Reverse Sawtooth waves Octave selector, supporting 5 octaves Glide between notes (Lag Processor) Oscillator fine tine (more than one full octave) Oscillator sync Low Pass Filter Module Modulation module Tremelo/Wave Vibrato/Pitch Filter Envelope Generator module Supports ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) Volume Filter (amount of low pass filter) (2012-03-23, Objective-C, 1695KB, 下载9次)
