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[微信小程序] CapturePic

Demo是仿 微 信 通过拍照或者本地图片裁剪更换头像 照片Demo中是根据选取的图片 照片,进行双点触控进行缩放操作,在对照片 图片进行缩放完成后,对其区域进行剪切传值。
Demo imitates WeChat to take photos or cut and replace head photos. In Demo, double touch is used to zoom according to the selected photos. After zooming the photos, the region is cut and transferred values. (2016-08-11, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] WeChatHelper

微信双开, 隐藏好友
WeChat double open, hide friends (2018-01-24, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)
