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[其他] 10.1calculator

一个基础的双栈带括号的基础计算器,通过QT 5.12实现可视化界面。
A basic double stack bracketed basic calculator, through QT 5.12 to achieve a visual interface. (2020-12-13, QT, 294KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ServicePlatform

注册登录服务平台,平台内有娱乐区:音乐,视频,画板,相册。 办公区:记事本,计算器,秒表,网络调试工具。
Register and log in to the service platform. There are entertainment areas in the platform: music, video, picture board, photo album. Office area: Notepad, calculator, stopwatch, network debugging tools. (2020-03-21, QT, 6685KB, 下载0次)
