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[单片机开发] si4133-datasheet

该Si4133是一个单片集成电路,既执行IF和双频 RF合成为无线通信应用。在Si4133 包括三个和VCO,环路滤波器,参考和VCO分频器,相位 探测器。除法和可编程掉电设置与threewire 串行接口。
The Si4133 is a monolithic integrated circuit, both the implementation of the IF and dual-band RF synthesis for wireless communications applications. In the Si4133 consists of three, and VCO, loop filters, reference and VCO divider, phase detector. Division and programmable power-down settings threewire serial interface. (2009-11-19, Video, 459KB, 下载22次)
