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[Windows编程] VB客房管理系统全套(源代码+论文+答辩PPT)

客房预订系统,顾客可以用电话或上网注册的方式预定。其方式不同,但提交的内容是相同的:需要的房间类型,房间数,客人人数,预定时间,退房时间等。 服务台查询客房管理部,看看是否有满足客人要求的客房。如果有,则记录下客人的需要,同时客房管理部通知财务部准备收预约金,同时反馈给客人确认信息。 如果客人要求的客房无法提供,则通知顾客无法满足
The room reservation system allows customers to make reservations by registering over the phone or online. The methods are different, but the submitted content is the same: required room type, number of rooms, number of guests, reservation time, check-out time, etc. Check with the room management department at the service desk to see if there are any rooms that meet the guest's requirements. If so, record the guest's needs, and at the same time, the housekeeping department notifies the finance department to prepare to collect the reservation fee, while providing feedback to the guest for confirmation. If the guest's requested room cannot be provided, notify the guest that it cannot be met (2023-05-15, Visual Basic.NET, 3476KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 迅足

Automatic water fetching and automatic order placing, automatic billing and other functions of a water fetching software, easy to use, will teach (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 5493KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 双闪灯

双闪灯程序示例 帮助你做关于利用灯闪警示的程序 例如交通灯
Example of dual flash program Help you make a program to use light flashing warning. For example, traffic lights (2018-09-20, Visual Basic.NET, 3KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 19

The hawk double members communicate with the marketing management system, which combines customer management, marketing management, cash management, inventory management, decision analysis, enterprise website, electronic business city, integral business city, online reservation, after-sales service and so on. (2018-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 65727KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] 7

McBlog是魔方动力旗下的一款博客管理系统。系统采用.NET4.0+SQL SERVER 2008开发,适合个人博客建站,可用于科技、娱乐、资讯、产品等等类型的博客。McBlog采用伪静态技术,可以自定义为.html等等类型的网页后缀。本博客系统结合魔方采集器,可以实现自动采集文章,无需人工干预。
McBlog is a blog management system under the power of magic cube. The system is developed by.NET4.0+SQL SERVER 2008, which is suitable for personal blog establishment, and can be applied to science and technology, entertainment, information, products and other types of blogs. McBlog adopts pseudo static technology, and can be customized to.Html and so on. This blog system combined with magic cube collector can automatically collect articles without manual intervention. (2018-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 14227KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] 33

鹰双会员通(原金鼎会员通)是由鹰双软件倾力打造的一款基于O2O的综合性会员营销管理系统,该系统融合客户管理、营销管理、收银管理、库存管理、决策分析、企业网站、电子商城、积分商城、在线预约、售后服务等众多功能模块于一体,同时包含PC和手机两套版本,不但可以帮企业实现客户跨店消费、线上线下消费信息共享, 而且可以帮企业轻松搭建一套会员信息互联互通的企业网站和电子商城平台,是企业实现会员制营销、O2O营销、拉近客户关系、改善日常经营不可缺少的工具。
Double eagle member (former member Jinding is build by Double Eagle) software effort based on a comprehensive O2O membership management system of marketing system, the integration of customer management, marketing management, cash management, inventory management, decision analysis, enterprise website, electronic mall, integral Shopping Mall, online booking, customer service service many other functions in one module, contains both the PC and two sets of mobile phone version, not only can help enterprises to achieve customer Cross shop consumption, consumer information sharing online and offline, but also can help enterprises to easily build a membership information interconnection enterprise website and electronic mall platform, is the enterprise realizes the membership marketing, marketing, O2O close customer relationships, improve the daily management indispensable tool. (2018-01-23, Visual Basic.NET, 61987KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] NTRIPClientNew

NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM data over IP) is a protocol for moving RTK correction data from the base to the rover using the Internet. This is especially useful in areas where traditional radios don't work well due to trees or hills. The NTRIP Client is the piece of software you need near the rover. It gets the data from the Internet and sends it out the serial port for the rover to use. This program is a more useful alternative to GNSS Internet Radio. It is typically used on a small laptop or Netbook in the cab of the tractor. Internet access is usually via a USB wireless data card from your cell phone company, or tethered Bluetooth to a data capable phone. VS2010 compilation. Increased support for $GNGGA. (2017-06-03, Visual Basic.NET, 554KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] DoubleTrackBar

双滑块 trackbar vb.net C#.net 微软没有提供双滑块trackbar控件,自己修改了下。 可以取滑块的中间值。
trackbar vb.net C#.net (2016-06-21, Visual Basic.NET, 3KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] paopaozdj

Kart Fighter multifunction auxiliary, spike, unlimited jet, super-speed, dual card, (2015-11-24, Visual Basic.NET, 2900KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] Kristin

Rue gold interpolation algorithm VB realize, Buskerud gold interpolation algorithm, Buskerud gold interpolation algorithm (2015-11-04, Visual Basic.NET, 13KB, 下载8次)
