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[企业管理] 33

鹰双会员通(原金鼎会员通)是由鹰双软件倾力打造的一款基于O2O的综合性会员营销管理系统,该系统融合客户管理、营销管理、收银管理、库存管理、决策分析、企业网站、电子商城、积分商城、在线预约、售后服务等众多功能模块于一体,同时包含PC和手机两套版本,不但可以帮企业实现客户跨店消费、线上线下消费信息共享, 而且可以帮企业轻松搭建一套会员信息互联互通的企业网站和电子商城平台,是企业实现会员制营销、O2O营销、拉近客户关系、改善日常经营不可缺少的工具。
Double eagle member (former member Jinding is build by Double Eagle) software effort based on a comprehensive O2O membership management system of marketing system, the integration of customer management, marketing management, cash management, inventory management, decision analysis, enterprise website, electronic mall, integral Shopping Mall, online booking, customer service service many other functions in one module, contains both the PC and two sets of mobile phone version, not only can help enterprises to achieve customer Cross shop consumption, consumer information sharing online and offline, but also can help enterprises to easily build a membership information interconnection enterprise website and electronic mall platform, is the enterprise realizes the membership marketing, marketing, O2O close customer relationships, improve the daily management indispensable tool. (2018-01-23, Visual Basic.NET, 61987KB, 下载7次)
