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按平台查找All C51(2) 

[汇编语言] commxinication-between-two-MCU

双机通讯,主机向从机发送指令,实现特定功能,从机也可向主机发送指令 实现特定功能。
Double machine communication, the host to send instructions the machine, to achieve a specific function, the machine can also send commands to the host Implement specific functionality. (2017-04-02, C51, 105KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] SN8p2624S

按摩靠垫椅控制板代码 六气囊头部有行走背部双机芯 背部自动行走 台湾仪陇SN8P2624S 有原理图pcb图 代码
ànmó kàodiàn yǐ kòngzhì bǎn dàimǎ liù qìnāng tóu bù yǒu xíngzǒu bèibù shuāng jī xīn bèibù zìdòng xíngzǒu táiwān yí lǒng SN8P2624S yǒu yuánlǐ tú pcb tú dàimǎ (2017-03-02, C51, 108KB, 下载18次)
