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[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 基于PLC的智能交通信号控制系统_金凤楠

此智能交通信号系统利用环形线圈检测器来探测车道内车辆的通过,然后利 用 PLC 内置的计数器对车辆数量进行计数并计算出各方向车道的车辆滞留量。运用一 定的智能控制原则,控制系统就能依据车道内的滞留量情况自动地延长直行方向的绿灯 时长,从而提高十字路口的交通效率、缓解交通拥挤。
The intelligent traffic signal system uses the loop detector to detect the passing of vehicles in the lane, and then uses the loop detector to detect the passing of vehicles in the lane The built-in counter of PLC is used to count the number of vehicles and calculate the vehicle detention in each direction. Use one According to the given intelligent control principle, the control system can automatically extend the green light in the straight direction according to the detention amount in the lane So as to improve the traffic efficiency and alleviate the traffic congestion. (2020-12-25, PLC, 3218KB, 下载1次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] GUI

This is a PLC program that can control two axes and its upper computer interface. By associating it with NC axis and NC axis with physical axis, the control functions of two axes, including start, position display, one cycle inching, position and speed setting, stop, origin setting, parameter seeking and double axis coupling and decoupling, can be realized (2020-04-25, PLC, 16847KB, 下载1次)
