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[OpenGL] LO

Using OpenCV library to achieve operation of the edge detection sobel (2010-11-20, Visual Basic, 99KB, 下载4次)


[OpenGL] VB090505-BallGame

弹球例子1.直接点击"金月亮"图标就可运行。 2.做本软件的目的是方便大家,借此结交更多的朋友,如果您有好的见解请联系我。 3.另外还有.net版,由VC++,VB.net,c#混合开发
Billiard example 1. Directly click the " Golden Moon" icon can be run. 2. So the purpose of this software is to facilitate you to make more friends, if you have good ideas please contact me. 3. Another. Net version, the VC++, VB.net, c# mixed development (2009-07-11, Visual Basic, 476KB, 下载39次)
