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[WEB开发] stop

前台: 1.商品精品推荐。 2.搜索商品。 考虑安全因素去除了原来的双功能登陆窗口,改为普通登陆。 3.首页增加显视用户购物信息。 解决了用户购物时没有填写收货人信息时就无法选择送货方式的BUG。 4.多功能信息反馈栏目。
Front Desk: 1. Recommended goods. 2. Search products. In addition to security considerations original bifunctional login window instead of ordinary landing. 3. Home shopping increase significantly depending on the user information. Solve the shipping method can not be selected when there is no information when the user consignee shopping BUG. 4. The multi-information feedback section. (2016-03-04, Visual Basic, 541KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jiangxuejinfafangxitong

Scholarship system, suitable for schools, enterprises, government departments bonuses! For reference only, learning! (2015-08-21, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] frm1

General process of product development projects of cooperation processes _pmper_ Sina blog, pmper, outsourcing, product projects, cooperative agreements, electronic products, palm, fine work (2014-04-18, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] usb2

Specific procedures and co-operation for the development of specific programs and Real Estate (2014-04-18, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] GoldJXC

金满仓WEB进销存管理系统,完全基于 WEB 的综合应用解决方案, 真正的 B/S 模式, 使用asp开发, 不需任何安装, 只需一个浏览器, 企业领导, 业务人员, 操作人员可以在不同时间, 地点, 并且可动态, 及时反映企业业务的方方面面. 充分利用财务管理、进销存和企业电子商务系统, 整个系统主要由入库模块, 销售模块, 库存管理模块, 统计模块, 会员模块及帐务管理系统构成. 这些模块基本涵盖了各类企业对进销存管理软件的要求. 运行效率, 负载能力, 安全等级, 功能可操控性和权限严密性等方面都在原有的基础上, 更上一层楼. 凭借 WEB进销存管理系统 作者6年多的安全技术经验, 3年的ASP开发经验, 强于创新, 追求完美的设计理念,已获得业内越来越多专家和用户的认可. 运行环境:IIS+SQL2000 本版本为asp+sql2000,运行install/index.asp会自动安装数据库,带全部财务系统,个人,公司,企业管理库存的首选。
Jin Mancang WEB Invoicing management system, fully integrated application solution based on WEB, real B/S mode, the use of ASP development, without any installation, just a browser, business leaders, business people, operating staff can be at different time, place, and can be dynamic, timely reflect the business aspects surface. Make full use of financial management, invoicing and enterprise electronic commerce system, the system mainly from the storage module, sales module, inventory management module, statistics module, member modules and account management system. These modules covering the various types of enterprises Invoicing management software requirements. Operating efficiency, load capacity, safety grade, function tight control and authority, on the basis of the original, strive for further improvement. With WEB Invoicing management system author more than 6 years experience in security technology, 3 years ASP development experience, strong in innovation, the pursuit of th (2011-11-16, Visual Basic, 1953KB, 下载20次)
