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[图形图象] Radar

Development of a simulated monitor of ship-Radar. (2015-02-03, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载9次)


[图形图象] ElectricalCircuitModeling

电子电路模拟和分析系统 一款基于电子电路理论支持编写的电子电路模拟和分析小软件,可以对电子电路初学者进行模拟试验有点帮助。支持简单电路、串联电路、并联电路、交流电路的R,L,C串行电路,交流电路的双回路电路,交流电路的三回路电路的模拟和分析,并提供输出结果和线路图。
Electronic circuit simulation and analysis system based on an electronic circuit theory to support the preparation of electronic circuit simulation and analysis of small software, can be carried out on the electronic circuit simulation beginners to some extent. Support a simple circuit, series circuit, parallel circuit, communication circuit R, L, C serial circuit, the exchange of double-loop circuit circuits, communication circuits three-loop circuit simulation and analysis, and provide output results and the circuit diagram. (2008-09-20, Visual Basic, 1208KB, 下载5次)


[图形图象] 奖学金平定

scholarships assessed by the three achievement (2004-11-30, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载13次)
