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[数据库编程] jxj

Vb.net scholarship is a sort of problems and so on! ! ! (2013-06-07, Visual Basic, 404KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] ADOkongjianjiyingyong

ADO data control, set the connection to the database attribute, DataGrid control, use, DataGrid control AllowAddNew, AllowDelete and AllowUpdate the role of property, the use of Data Form Wizard automatically constitute a data access form. Two-table query to prohibit the data is modified in the browser, statistical database, the number of professional, according to average scores by the top 8 and the high number of average scores and the alignment operation. Data Form Wizard to generate the main table/small table in the form form. The database on the desktop. Ha ha (2010-12-10, Visual Basic, 335KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] baihui090611

使用VB编写的沈阳南塔某鞋店进销存管理 可以分类存储管理
VB prepared using a shoe store in Shenyang Namtha Invoicing Management (2010-01-04, Visual Basic, 140KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] vbToll

VB写的Microsoft Office Access 一个收费系统,初学者可以参考下。可用于餐饮娱乐。
VB write Microsoft Office Access a charge system, beginners can refer to the next. Can be used for dining and entertainment. (2009-11-30, Visual Basic, 582KB, 下载17次)


[数据库编程] 052130EX_7

ADO数据控件及其相关应用 通过使用数据控件在vb环境下连接数据库,完成了以下功能: (1) 使用ADO控件实现对数据库文件的连接,双表查询功能,在绑定的控件中实时显示数据库中的数据,设置数据控件ADO属性为不可见,实现数据的逐条浏览,且禁止修改。 (2) 在窗体上放置ADO控件和datagrid控件,完成按专业统计各专业的人数,按平均成绩统计前8名和按专业排列高数平均成绩的操作。 (3) 使用数据窗体向导,构筑数据访问对话框,选定MSHFlexGrid数据网格窗体,主细表形式窗体。
ADO Data Control and its related applications through the use of data control in the vb environment, connect to the database, completed the following functions: (1) Using ADO control to realize the connection to the database file, double-table query functions in bound controls in real-time display the database data, set ADO data control property is not visible, to achieve the data one by one here, and the prohibition amendment. (2) in the form placed on ADO controls and datagrid control, completed according to the number of professional statisticians and professional, according to grade point average statistics before the 8 and arranged according to their professional operation of the high number of grade point average. (3) Use Data Form Wizard to build a Data Access dialog box, select MSHFlexGrid data grid form, the main form detailed form. (2009-11-03, Visual Basic, 712KB, 下载11次)
