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[WEB开发] Systems-integration

The book by the Greek Competition IT education R & D center group compiled, as computer technology and software professional and technical qualifications (level) exam system integration project management engineer and Information Systems Project Management Professional level test counseling designated course, mainly for project management case analysis of the questions review. In the process of writing this book in conjunction with particular emphasis on project management and the IT industry, having a wealth of information system development, system integration, and members of the project management experience of cooperation prepared. (2016-09-05, DOS, 28206KB, 下载16次)


[WEB开发] 163dy

1.实时显示哪在用户在线,会员关闭网页自动退出功能,可显示用户采用什么浏览器和操作系统,彻底杜绝一帐号多用户使用 2.增加了网站投票功能 3.采用双网站联盟,用户可以选择介绍客户赚佣金或介绍客户赚看片资源。 4.扣点功能,每一部影片站长可以按照他的价值设定需要扣取的点数 5.后台增加网吧IP功能,在该网吧上网的用户可以免注册免付费看电影 6.使用充值卡的用户无需要注册激活充值卡后就可以使用
1. Real-time display in which users online, members close the page automatically exit function, the user can be displayed using any browser and operating system, the complete elimination of the use of a multi-user accounts 2. To increase the voting site 3. Dual Alliance website, the user can choose introduce customers to earn commissions or introduce clients to see films earned resources. 4. point deduction function, each movie Master can be set according to the number of points required to deduct the value of his 5. Background increased Internet IP functionality, users can access the Internet free registration toll-free cinema 6. Use of prepaid card user does not need to register to activate prepaid card can be used after (2016-03-19, DOS, 2021KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jtshop

金统联网上商城,软件语言: 简体中文 运行环境: ASP环境
Joint Commission gold online store software Language: Simplified Chinese operating environment: ASP environment (2016-03-02, DOS, 474KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Bootstrap_v4.0.0

Bootstrap是Twitter推出的一个用于前端开发的开源工具包。它由Twitter的设计师Mark Otto和Jacob Thornton合作开发,是一个CSS/HTML框架。 Bootstrap 是最受欢迎的 HTML、CSS 和 JS 框架,用于开发响应式布局、移动设备优先的 WEB 项目。
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for the development of Twitter. It is developed by Mark Otto Twitter and Thornton Jacob, is a CSS/HTML framework. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework for the development of responsive layout, mobile device priority WEB project. (2015-12-14, DOS, 2940KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 43_2441

3424343 法定代表人基本信息    人力资源状况    高层人员基本情况    企业研究开发和技术状况    企业资产和经营状况    企业资质及获奖情况    企业主要合作伙伴、客户、    战略联盟    企业信用状况
3424343 legal representative basic human resources senior staff of enterprises basic research and development and technical state enterprise assets and business enterprises and winning qualities of the major partners, customers, strategic alliances business credit situation (2005-05-12, DOS, 188KB, 下载6次)
