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按分类查找All 单片机开发(13) 
按平台查找All DOS(13) 

[单片机开发] pyramid

This program need user input a capital letter, then it can output a letter pyramid. (2016-02-29, DOS, 1KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] CSR8670-Gordon-BGA-development-Board

this is a hardware of csr 8670, it will help user know how to design hardware of csr8670 (2015-03-08, DOS, 100KB, 下载36次)


[单片机开发] MCU-Design-Keyboard-

本设计的主要目的是掌握单片机系统的开发应用,掌握prteus和keil C51软件的应用,巩固和加深已学过的知识,提高动手能力及解决实际问题的能力,同时培养团队合作精神。
The main purpose of this design is to master the development and application of SCM system, master prteus and keil C51 software applications, consolidate and deepen the knowledge learned to improve the practical ability and the ability to solve practical problems, while fostering team spirit. (2013-09-15, DOS, 229KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] AD9854

Microprocessor controlled design of the AD9854 dual-channel signal source driver (2012-05-12, DOS, 3KB, 下载53次)


[单片机开发] shuangjitongxin

Single-chip dual-machine communication (2011-12-19, DOS, 26KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] danpianji

3.4.2 byte division senior graduation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2010-12-16, DOS, 1KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] STM32forL6208

L6208 is the launch of a dual-st h bridge stepper motor driver chip power, the system micro-controller with STM32F103XX bipolar stepper motor-driven methods, the implementation of the whole step and half-step mode to control the stepper motor. The user can choose: operating mode (full step/half step) motor rotation (clockwise/counterclockwise) current control mode (fast/slow). (2010-11-21, DOS, 352KB, 下载59次)


[单片机开发] weijiyuanlishiyan

Including timers, traffic lights, conversion, two-plane communication procedures, communication and control school students can refer to. (2010-06-26, DOS, 6KB, 下载80次)


[单片机开发] D

Single-chip dual-machine communications (can be a strong anti-interference ability and error correction) (2008-12-15, DOS, 2KB, 下载24次)


[单片机开发] danpianji

在实验板上编程实现2008年日历和实时时钟: 1 时-分-秒(2位-2位-2位)显示 可通过键盘置入时间值。 2 每隔5分钟在LED上从右向左滚动显示年_月_日3次,如: 2008_01_20 2008_01_20 3 实现每日闹铃和预约提醒功能,闹铃时间和提醒时间可用按键设置。闹铃和提醒采用不同的提示音表示。 4 通过串行通信实现双机时钟同步工作。
In the experiment on-board programming in 2008 calendar and realize real-time clock: 1:00- hours- seconds (2-2 bit-2 bit) display can be placed through the keyboard time value. 2 every 5 minutes in the LED display on the scroll from right to left _ on _ day year 3 times, such as: 2008_01_20 2008_01_203 realize daily alarm and appointment reminder feature, alarm time and can be used to remind the time set button. Alarm and reminders using different tone express. 4 through the serial communication clock synchronization realize double the work. (2008-06-05, DOS, 17KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] bingxing

C51 two-plane parallel communication has practical operation, in the hope that useful (2007-12-03, DOS, 1KB, 下载23次)


[单片机开发] grew

为了测量 DVD的Jitter ,需要知道刻录时钟。针对 DVD 特殊的数据格式 NRZI,提出一个专用的时钟恢复系 统 ,用于从读出的 RF信号中恢复写时钟。这个系统采用基于锁相环的双环结构。介绍系统结构、各个模块的构成原理、数 学模型 ,并结合 Simulink 给出仿真结果。理论和实验证明 ,该系统既可作为测量 DVD Jitter 的硬件电路设计的参考 ,也可作 为软件设计的工具。
DVD to the Jitter measurement, the burning need to know the clock. DVD special against the NRZI data format, a dedicated clock to restore the system, From time for the RF signal was restored clock. The system based on the dual-loop PLL structure. On the structure, the various modules of the composition theory, mathematical model, and is integrated Simulink simulation results. Theory and experiment proved that the system can measure DVD Jitter as the hardware circuit design reference can also be used as the design of software tools. (2007-05-14, DOS, 396KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] shuangjitongxin

单片机实现双机通信的汇编语言程序! 汇编语言实现
MCU-machine communication procedures assembly language! Language Series (2007-01-18, DOS, 2KB, 下载28次)
