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[图形图象] 41414141

介绍了空间光通信中基于CCD 的精跟踪图像处理部分的器件选择和软件算法的实 现。按照实验要求的具体参数,选择了合适的高帧频CCD 作为精跟踪的探测装置,并在PC 上 实现了相关的跟踪算法,并进行了研究。最后对距离16km 的合作目标进行了精跟踪实验,并 给出了未经过补偿的实验数据。
Space optical communications introduced the essence of CCD-based image processing part of the tracking device selection and software algorithms. In accordance with the requirements of the specific experimental parameters, select the appropriate high frame rate CCD for precise tracking of the detection devices, and implemented on PC-related tracking algorithm, and conducted research. Finally, the objectives of cooperation from the 16km was fine tracking experiment has not been given compensation for the experimental data. (2010-05-09, DOS, 974KB, 下载7次)
