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[加密解密] i-movie2.0

1、为前台和后台密码增加了MD5的加密模式,使程序更安全 2、美化了后台界面,看起来更舒服了:) 3、整合了金梅第3版的界面 4、修复了后台不能修改栏目的BUG 5、后台上传图片作了限制,只能上传JPG和GIF 6、增加了首页推荐功能(和站长推荐不同的哦)
1, for the foreground and background increases the MD5 password encryption mode, make the program safer 2, beautify the backend interface looks more comfortable :) 3, the integration of version 3 interface Jinmei 4, fixed background can not be modified columns BUG 5, background upload pictures were restricted to only upload JPG and GIF 6, A Home Suggest a feature (and chief recommended a different oh) (2016-03-13, DOS, 1623KB, 下载1次)
