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[文章/文档] weijibujindianji

微机步进电机控制系统设计 控制四相步进电机按双八拍的运行方式运行。按下开关SW1时启动步进电机,按ESC键停止工作。采用循环查表法,用软件来实现脉冲循环分配器的功能对步进电机绕组轮流加电。 要求对题目进行功能分析(四项功能:快速顺时针旋转,慢速顺时针旋转,快速逆时针旋转和慢速逆时针旋转),进行步进电机远程控制系统硬件电路设计,画出电路原理图、元器件布线图、实验电路图;绘制程序流程图,进行步进电机控制程序设计
Microcomputer control of stepper motor control system design 4-phase stepper motor run by double-8 film run. Press the switch SW1 stepper motor is started, press ESC key to stop working. Cyclic look-up table method, using software to achieve the function of pulse cycles distributor rotation of stepper motor windings Power. Require functional analysis of topics (four functions: rapid clockwise rotation, slow clockwise rotation, counterclockwise rotation of fast and slow counterclockwise rotation), for remote control of stepper motor system hardware circuit design, draw the circuit diagram , components wiring diagram, test circuit drawing program flow chart for stepping motor control program design (2010-01-14, DOS, 24KB, 下载21次)
