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[Windows编程] WWW

小兵建站系统CMS v2.0,国内简单易用的网站管理系统!永久免费开源! 公司研发小兵建站系统CMS v2.0(内容管理系统),基于OneThink开源框架,和超过300家以上公司进行了深 度的合作与需求沟通,经过一年的时间的研发,打造了国内简洁好用、易于操作的网站管理后台。
Soldier CMS v2.0 website system, website management system easy to use at home! Permanent free open source! R & D soldier station system CMS v2.0 (content management system), based on OneThink open source framework, and more than 300 more than the company carried out deep Degree of cooperation and communication needs, after a year of research and development, to create a simple and easy to use, easy to operate the site (2017-02-24, DOS, 15352KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 2110

clean (2016-04-22, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] jin-zi-ta-arbitrage

Pyramid futures software arbitrage source code written using vba language (2016-02-18, DOS, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] hanoi-vb

Vb own Tower of Hanoi applet can be run directly in vb (2016-02-18, DOS, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] KW1281-

1 协议应用说明 1.1 协议诊断来源 解码原厂设备1552。 1.2 协议使用范围 所有大众系列车型,如:国产的时代超人、桑塔纳2000、捷达王、都市先锋、高尔夫、小红旗、奥迪系列、帕萨特等。 1.3 协议验证实验及结果 本协议经模拟验证及实际测车验证通过。 1.4 有待继续完成的内容 1.4.1 针对各车型的使用声明须进一步补充。 1.5 与前一版本比较有何变化 a. 可测试系统增加, b. 补充故障码和数据流。
An agreement Application Notes protocol diagnostic source Decoding device 1552 original. (2015-04-10, DOS, 130KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] IPaMAC

MAC及IP地址检测。 本程序只适用于XP、win7和server2003。其他系统可能出现无法运行的命令。 现在大多数电脑都存在双网卡的情况,一些电脑初学者不会查找当前正在使用的网卡及IP地址。 本程序经过测试,能够很好的在双网卡下运行,并且仅显示当前正在使用的网卡的IP及MAC地址。
This soft is used for detecting MAC and IP address. Only using in XP, win7 and server2003. Other Operation could not run successfully. (2014-07-28, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] STC

two cpu,three line message,sipmle,good. (2012-03-29, DOS, 5KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] 2

Placed in BUF data area has three double-byte number, are required by these three numbers beginning with the largest order of re-deposited. There were signs of these numbers as unsigned numbers and the number of programming in both cases. (2010-04-22, DOS, 1KB, 下载88次)


[Windows编程] HANOI

汉诺塔程序 共有三个轴 码数由键盘输入 屏幕上输出移动的过程及次数
Tower of Hanoi program a total of three-axis code number on the screen from the keyboard input and frequency output of the process of moving (2009-12-20, DOS, 1KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] R_double

实现汇编语言教程的双位右移和左移 及其代码的使用
Assembly language tutorial to achieve the double-shifted to right and the left and the use of code (2009-06-19, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] bosha

一鍵刪除威金病毒 运行时请勿必三思!由此造成任何后果本人恕难承担!
A key to delete the virus is running the Vikings will not think twice! Resulting I can hardly bear any consequences! (2008-01-02, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)
