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[Oracle数据库] LinuxPos

POS收银系统 开发平台:Redhat9 开发语言:标准C 数据库:Oracle 8i 开发周期:2009年6月-2009年7月 关键技术:ncurses库,Pro*C ,通用双向链表 项目简介:使用ncurses绘制界面,通过Pro*C访问 Oracle数据库,数据保存在通用双链表中,实现超市日常经营情况管理,报表生成,以及后台管理功能。 功能模块:用户登录模块,前台收银模块(收银、挂单、取单、退货),后台管理模块
POS cash register system development platform: Redhat9 Development Language: Standard C Database: Oracle 8i development cycle: June 2009-2009 year in July key technologies: ncurses library, Pro* C, universal two-way linked list the project: the use of ncurses drawing interface, through the Pro* C to access Oracle databases, data stored in the common double-linked list, achieving the daily operation of the supermarket management, report generation, as well as the background management functions. Functional modules: user login module, front desk cashier module (cashier, lodging take orders, returns), background management module (2009-10-26, Unix_Linux, 87KB, 下载66次)


[Oracle数据库] bkora

ORACLE 在双机下的备份脚本,实现HACP 系统环境下文件系统的识别,ORACLE文件的备份.
backup oracle to tsm server under HACNP environment (2009-03-24, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载2次)
