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[其他书籍] The_Pragmatic_Programmer_From_Joumeyman_to_Master

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, professional development, and remain flexible until used to make the code and can be easily adapted and re-used in a variety of architecture technology. The use of many rich and entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best practices and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2010-03-03, Unix_Linux, 11045KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] hp

惠普双机双控容错系统 技术培训 HP双机培训_操作系统安装ppt
HP two-aircraft training _ operating system installation (2010-03-03, Unix_Linux, 2379KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Vyatta_PolicyQoSRef_VC5_v03

Vyatta的软件基于使用可扩展开放路由平台(XORP)开发的代码,此平台从2002年开始成为一个开源路由器软件项目。Vyatta的代码将经过修改的Linux操作系统与XORP结合在一起。用户可通过从该公司的网站下载CD映像并将其安装在PC 硬件上来构建Vyatta路由器。Vyatta一直与Sangoma等合作伙伴合作,后者制造用于x86 PC系统的T-1和T-3 WAN接口卡,Vyatta还计划很快宣布更多的硬件合作伙伴。   vyatta可以快速的设置公司的路由系统。
Vyatta' s software is based on the use of the eXtensible Open Route Platform (XORP) developed the code, this platform in 2002 became an open-source router software project. Vyatta' s code will be a modified Linux operating system with XORP together. Users can download from the company' s Web site CD image and install it in PC hardware and build the Vyatta router. Vyatta has been working with Sangoma and other partners, which makes for x86 PC systems T-1 and T-3 WAN interface cards, Vyatta also plans to soon announce more hardware partners. vyatta can quickly set the company' s routing systems. (2009-11-26, Unix_Linux, 642KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] Vyatta_InstallationAndUpgrade_VC5_v01

Vyatta的软件基于使用可扩展开放路由平台(XORP)开发的代码,此平台从2002年开始成为一个开源路由器软件项目。Vyatta的代码将经过修改的Linux操作系统与XORP结合在一起。用户可通过从该公司的网站下载CD映像并将其安装在PC 硬件上来构建Vyatta路由器。Vyatta一直与Sangoma等合作伙伴合作,后者制造用于x86 PC系统的T-1和T-3 WAN接口卡,Vyatta还计划很快宣布更多的硬件合作伙伴。   vyatta可以快速的设置公司的路由系统。
Vyatta' s software is based on the use of the eXtensible Open Route Platform (XORP) developed the code, this platform in 2002 became an open-source router software project. Vyatta' s code will be a modified Linux operating system with XORP together. Users can download from the company' s Web site CD image and install it in PC hardware and build the Vyatta router. Vyatta has been working with Sangoma and other partners, which makes for x86 PC systems T-1 and T-3 WAN interface cards, Vyatta also plans to soon announce more hardware partners. vyatta can quickly set the company' s routing systems. (2009-11-26, Unix_Linux, 99KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Vyatta_HARef_VC5_v03

Vyatta的软件基于使用可扩展开放路由平台(XORP)开发的代码,此平台从2002年开始成为一个开源路由器软件项目。Vyatta的代码将经过修改的Linux操作系统与XORP结合在一起。用户可通过从该公司的网站下载CD映像并将其安装在PC 硬件上来构建Vyatta路由器。Vyatta一直与Sangoma等合作伙伴合作,后者制造用于x86 PC系统的T-1和T-3 WAN接口卡,Vyatta还计划很快宣布更多的硬件合作伙伴。   vyatta可以快速的设置公司的路由系统。
Vyatta' s software is based on the use of the eXtensible Open Route Platform (XORP) developed the code, this platform in 2002 became an open-source router software project. Vyatta' s code will be a modified Linux operating system with XORP together. Users can download from the company' s Web site CD image and install it in PC hardware and build the Vyatta router. Vyatta has been working with Sangoma and other partners, which makes for x86 PC systems T-1 and T-3 WAN interface cards, Vyatta also plans to soon announce more hardware partners. vyatta can quickly set the company' s routing systems. (2009-11-26, Unix_Linux, 469KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Vyatta_GuideToDocumentation_VC5_v01

Vyatta的软件基于使用可扩展开放路由平台(XORP)开发的代码,此平台从2002年开始成为一个开源路由器软件项目。Vyatta的代码将经过修改的Linux操作系统与XORP结合在一起。用户可通过从该公司的网站下载CD映像并将其安装在PC 硬件上来构建Vyatta路由器。Vyatta一直与Sangoma等合作伙伴合作,后者制造用于x86 PC系统的T-1和T-3 WAN接口卡,Vyatta还计划很快宣布更多的硬件合作伙伴。   vyatta可以快速的设置公司的路由系统。
Vyatta' s software is based on the use of the eXtensible Open Route Platform (XORP) developed the code, this platform in 2002 became an open-source router software project. Vyatta' s code will be a modified Linux operating system with XORP together. Users can download from the company' s Web site CD image and install it in PC hardware and build the Vyatta router. Vyatta has been working with Sangoma and other partners, which makes for x86 PC systems T-1 and T-3 WAN interface cards, Vyatta also plans to soon announce more hardware partners. vyatta can quickly set the company' s routing systems. (2009-11-26, Unix_Linux, 44KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] APracticalGuideToLinuxCommandsEditorsAndShellProgr

Linux命令、编辑器与Shell编程 作者:(美)索贝尔(Sobell,M.G.)著,杨明军,王凤芹 译 要想真正高效地使用Linux,就必须全面掌握shell和命令行。通常必须购买两本书才能达到精通的目的:一本关于Linux基本概念和技术的指南,再加上一个单独的参考手册。更糟糕的是,大多数Linux参考手册只是对man手册页的稍加整理。而现在有了一个好得多的解决方案。知名Linux专家Mark Sobell编写的这本书,为系统管理员、开发人员和高级用户提供了最需要的全面的深入指导,同时还是一个卓越的日常参考手册。
Linux command, editor and Shell Programming Author: (U.S.) Sobel (Sobell, M.G.), and Yang Jun,王凤芹translation in order to truly efficient use of Linux, we must fully grasp the shell and command line. Usually required to purchase two books to achieve the purpose of proficiency: a book about the basic concepts of Linux and technology guide, plus a separate reference manual. To make matters worse, the majority of Linux reference manual man just finishing a little manual page. And now have a much better solution. Well-known Linux expert Mark Sobell' s book to prepare for system administrators, developers and advanced users need to provide the most comprehensive in-depth guidance, is also an excellent reference manual day-to-day. (2009-06-16, Unix_Linux, 3685KB, 下载41次)


[其他书籍] iegd_lastest1207_2030

Gdk circumstances do show two pictures, in the double-marked test showed normal (2008-12-21, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载5次)
