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[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] MA8127-Datasheet-V1.0

MA8127 sd card datasheet (2014-08-17, Unix_Linux, 89KB, 下载1次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] hw1

HSPICE 简单电路仿真 .sp文件 含双mosfet
hspice simple circuit .sp including one nmos and one cmos (2013-12-07, Unix_Linux, 119KB, 下载4次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 123

任务:用二台8086K通过8251进行双机通讯,一台作为发送,另一台作为接收,发送方读入按键值,并发送给接收方,接收方收到数数据后在数码管上显示。 要求:实现双机的串行通信,并在数码显示区域显示传输的内容,画出电路原理图、元器件布线图、实验电路图;绘制程序流程图,进行串行通信程序设计(采用汇编语言)。
Task: Using two sets of 8086K through 8251 for two-machine communication, one as the sender, the other as a receiver, the sender read key value, and sent to the receiver, the receiver receives the number of data in the digital tube display. Requirements: to achieve double the serial communication, and transmission in the digital display area displays the contents, draw the circuit diagram, component wiring diagrams, test circuit drawing program flowcharts, program design for serial communication (using assembly language) . (2011-11-28, Unix_Linux, 5279KB, 下载17次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] DDR_SDRAM_use_in_embedded

很多嵌入式系统,特别是应用于图像处理与高速数据采集等场合的嵌入式系统,都需要高速缓存大量的数据。DDR(Double Data Rate,双数据速率)SDRAM由于其速度快、容量大,而且价格便宜,因此能够很好地满足上述场合对大量数据缓存的需求。但DDR SDRAM的接口不能直接与现今的微处理器和DSP的存储器接口相连,需要在其间插入控制器实现微处理器或DSP对存储器的控制。
many embedded systems, especially for image processing and high-speed data acquisition, and so on the embedded system, Cache require large amounts of data. DDR (Double Data Rate, double-data rate) SDRAM due to its speed, large capacity, and their prices are cheaper, it can be a very good occasion to meet these massive data cache demand. But DDR SDRAM interface directly with today's microprocessor and DSP memory interface connected, During the need to insert controller microprocessor or DSP memory of the control. (2007-04-02, Unix_Linux, 232KB, 下载87次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] flash12321

the current digital information technology and network technology to the rapid development after the PC (Post-PC) era, Embedded system has been extensively infiltrated into scientific research, engineering design, military technology, various industries and commercial paper art, People in the entertainment industry and all aspects of daily life, such as China. With embedded system widely used, Embedded system of data storage and data management has become an important issue in front of the design staff. (2006-11-27, Unix_Linux, 94KB, 下载3次)
