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[其他] 模电放大器设计

模电课程设计 测量放大器 设计指标:⑴差模增益AVD=100~ 1000;可调。 ⑵通频带:fL≤30Hz,fH ≥3kHz ⑶最大输出电压:±10V ⑷增益的非线性误差≤5% ⑸差模输入电阻≥2MΩ(由电路设计保证) 条件:利用通用运放芯片 μA741、μA747、LM324 进行电路设计,采用双入单出的线路。
The course design of analog electric differential amplifier needs to be opened with multisim14, only the schematic diagram is given, and the physical connection needs to be done by yourself. Personal tests are available. (2021-01-04, Multisim, 212KB, 下载3次)


[其他] full-adder

The full adder simulation example based on Multisim is made by using double 74LS151 chips. (2019-06-19, Multisim, 99KB, 下载2次)
