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按分类查找All 手机彩信(MMS)编程(1) 

[手机彩信(MMS)编程] gsm_gps_communication

GSM/gps通信程序:双串口通信控制。当时我编这程序时还是花了不少力气的。 (1)gsm部分:以AT指令控制西门子TC35模块。程序代码精简。也可以用于TC35i,MC45,TC45的控制. (2)采用GPS标准协议格式,获取GPS模块发来的时间、位置、速度等信息。该程序经过试验验证. 程序中,实现GPS信息的接收,并和其它信息一起编码成GSM传输协议格式发送出去。
GSM/a GPS Communication Program : Two serial communication control. Then I drew this procedure or spent a lot of effort. (1) gsm part : AT command control Siemens TC35 module. Streamlining procedures code. TC35i also can be used, the MC45, TC45 control. (2) use of GPS standard protocols format, the GPS module access to the time, location, speed and other information. After the test verification procedures. Program and GPS receivers. and together, and other information encoded into GSM Transfer Protocol format to send out. (2006-07-02, DOS, 9KB, 下载1813次)
