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[DirextX编程] DirectX

Direct use of DirectX display memory data flow example uses VS2005. (2013-10-30, Visual C++, 5333KB, 下载5次)


[DirextX编程] Bistatic-Reverberation

bistatic and momostatic reverberation data were recorded in the 2001 Asian sea.A model based on the mormal mode theory has been developed to calculate bistatic bottom reverberation in shallow water and to explain the recorded data. (2013-07-12, PDF, 298KB, 下载25次)


[DirextX编程] fit-the-Drude-model

The simulation of the gold drude model, plasmon resonance study of great help (2013-04-19, matlab, 6KB, 下载58次)


[DirextX编程] DXlitpyramid

DX lit pyramid,演示生成一个金字塔.
DX lit pyramid, presentation generated a pyramid. (2012-10-19, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载3次)


[DirextX编程] camera

Dual-camera software to read, while reading the USB camera data (2012-09-20, Visual C++, 19869KB, 下载49次)


[DirextX编程] directxtest

The directdraw own written procedures, is patchwork (world program a large copy ah), control vice graphics output text, if the run can not change the display mode and text output position, and can refer students to get dual monitors (2012-07-11, Visual C++, 1264KB, 下载9次)


[DirextX编程] 3D

3D car racing, powerful functions to simulate the actual scene, so that the player immersive, highly entertaining! (2012-06-19, Windows_Unix, 719KB, 下载8次)


[DirextX编程] DllPlayer

DLL 实现directshow。 实现了单帧前进 和 双屏显示
DLL just learning to use the test procedures dshow (2011-09-16, Visual C++, 19091KB, 下载48次)


[DirextX编程] 3DMark2001SE

3DMark2001 SE 是3DMark系列的最新工业标准,透过由一个超过400万个系统的效能数据库做比较为依据的结果,提供精细的标竿测试结果。可以让你以自己拥有的系统效能,跟世界上其它使用者的系统作比照。 结合支持DirectX 8.1的最新3D绘图,3DMark2001 SE 客观的测量你的计算机如何有效地适当执行3D绘图。SE版本里面包含有全新的像素投影1.4版测试程序。新版的System Info(系统信息)现在也会侦测安装好的硬盘级AGP,这些都对3D效能有重大的影响。新版会检查所有最新的处理器如AMD的Athlon XP、英特尔的Pentium 4 以及用于笔记型计算机的Pentium III -M处理器。 3DMark2001 SE 与主要的3D加速器及处理器制造商合作,提供你毫不逊色的可能性以及一套高稳定度诊断工具,同时包含一组全新的示范操作,包含四套新游戏测试并展示一些实时3D图形最新的改进与创新。这个试用版本不包含可玩的游戏展示以及专业的批次执行和结果浏览工具。
3DMark2001 SE 3DMark series is the latest industry standards through a more than four million by the system to compare the performance of the database based on the results, providing detailed benchmark test results. Allows you to own the system performance, with the rest of the world for the user s system, cf. Combined with support for DirectX 8.1 3D graphics of the latest, 3DMark2001 SE and objective measurement of how effectively your computer the proper implementation of 3D graphics. SE version which contains a new test program version 1.4 pixel projection. New version of the System Info (System Information) is now also detects installed hard-drive level AGP, these have a significant impact on 3D performance. The new version will check all the latest processors such as AMD s Athlon XP, Intel s Pentium 4 and notebook computers for Pentium III-M processor. 3DMark2001 SE with the major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the possibility of no less and a set o (2011-04-30, Windows_Unix, 40798KB, 下载2次)


[DirextX编程] MultiVideo

Achieved with dual cameras DirectShow video capture program, function very comprehensive, good results (2010-08-09, C++, 42110KB, 下载117次)


[DirextX编程] TricksOfThe3DGameProgrammingGurus

本书是游戏编程畅销书作者André LaMothe的扛鼎之作,从游戏编程和软件引擎的角度深入探讨了3D图形学的各个重要主题。全书共分5部分,包括16章的内容。第1~3章简要地介绍了Windows和DirectX编程,创建了一个Windows应用程序模板,让读者能够将精力放在游戏逻辑和图形实现中,而不用考虑Windows和DirectX方面的琐事;第4~5章简要地介绍了一些数学知识并实现了一个数学库,供以后编写演示程序时使用;第6章概述了3D图形学,让读者对本书将介绍的内容有大致的了解;第7~11章分别介绍了光照、明暗处理、仿射纹理映射、3D裁剪和深度缓存等内容;第12~14章讨论了高级3D渲染技术,包括透视修正纹理映射、Alpha混合、1/z缓存、纹理滤波、空间划分和可见性算法、阴影、光照映射等;第15~16章讨论了动画、运动碰撞检测和优化技术。
This book is a best-selling game programming author André LaMothe to carry the tripod to make, from the game engine programming and software point of view in-depth study of the 3D graphics of the various important topics. The book is divided into five parts, including the 16 chapters. Chapter 1 Chapter 3 briefly describes the Windows and DirectX programming, to create a Windows Application template, so that readers can focus on the game logic and graphics implementation, without considering aspects of Windows and DirectX trivial No. 4 ~ Chapter 5 briefly describes some of the mathematical knowledge and implemented a mathematical library for later use when preparing demo program in Chapter 6 an overview of 3D graphics, so that the readers of this book will introduce the general understanding of the content No. 7 ~ 11 Zhang introduced the illumination, shading, affine texture mapping, 3D cutting and depth buffer etc. Article 14 of Chapter 12 to discuss high-level 3D rendering techniq (2009-10-03, Visual C++, 30683KB, 下载998次)


[DirextX编程] ddraw01

自己学directdraw写的一段小代码,包括directdraw初始化 建立双缓冲 窗口裁剪,没用mfc类库,方便想学directdraw程序的人。
Directdraw learn to write their own small section of code, including the establishment of double buffering directdraw initialization window cutting, no mfc class library to facilitate the process, like the people directdraw. (2009-07-26, C++, 2066KB, 下载4次)


[DirextX编程] dX

Directx graphics used to achieve the double buffer 2d drawing (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 86KB, 下载37次)


[DirextX编程] cap1

DirectShow-based support for dual-camera video capture process (2008-06-18, Visual C++, 3320KB, 下载116次)


[DirextX编程] Chapter07

* 书 名:《DirectShow开发指南》 * 作 者: 陆其明(著) 金邦飞(审校) * 内容提要: 本书以DirectX SDK 9.0版为蓝本,涉及的内容几乎涵盖了在Windows平台上使
* Title: DirectShow Development Guide * Author: Lu Qi-Ming (a) Goldpac fly (Reviser)* Summary: The book version of DirectX SDK 9.0 is based on, involving almost covered in the Windows platform so that (2008-04-25, Delphi, 161KB, 下载14次)


[DirextX编程] FilterMpeg2VD

掛抎眕DirectX SDK 9.0唳峈懦掛ㄛ扡摯腔囀 撓綱滬裔賸婓Windows 怢奻妏 蚚DirectShow輛俴C++晤鎢腔源源醱醱﹝ 抎僕煦4跺窒煦﹝菴1窒煦砆牉賡庄賸 DirectShow腔價插眭妎﹝菴2窒煦笭萸枒蹦賸Filter腔羲楷ㄛ眕摯DirectShow 茼蚚最唗腔羲楷ㄛ婦嬤醴 準都霜俴腔 秞弝 粒摩﹜杅鎢扜砉儂腔盓厥﹜準盄俶 晤憮脹茼蚚﹝菴3窒旮 煦昴賸DirectShow SDK枑鼎腔窒煦萎倰埭測鎢瞰赽﹝菴 4窒煦賦磁釬氪跺 腔珨虳羲楷妗犛ㄛ籵徹偶瞰睿羲溫埭鎢煦昴ㄛ輛珨祭賡庄 DirectShow腔妗昢茼蚚﹝ 掛抎俇 笳妗衾DirectX SDK 9.0腔堆翑恅紫眕摯價濬埭測鎢ㄛ甜賦磁釬氪嗣爛 腔妗犛ㄛ冪徹枑褻奧傖﹝囀 猿蜓ㄛ沭燴 朐ㄛ妗蚚俶 ﹝巠磁嫘湮腔霜羸极茼蚚 羲楷 埜ㄛ眕摯勤Windows 怢奻嗣羸极揭燴覜倓 腔晤最乾疑氪﹜悝汜悝炾睿統 蕉﹝
err (2008-01-18, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载9次)


[DirextX编程] DirectXSDK_VisualC++_game_desing

基于DirectX(SDK)的Visual C++游戏设计 电脑游戏经过短短30年的发展,已经成为影响公众生活,改变公众娱乐方式的重要产业。过去,人们主要是借助电影、电视、音乐等方式来娱乐。而今天,以游戏为代表的电子娱乐正在成为主流娱乐方式。游戏也正在迅速成长为一个庞大的产业。Microsoft Direct X(SDK)是一个基于COM技术的多媒体应用程序开发工具包,它代表了未来多媒体应用程序的开发方向。本文详细介绍了游戏设计基本概念和 Direct X 的构架,包括DirectDraw、Direct 3D、DirectSound,并在 Visual C++6.0环境下使用Direct X(SDK)开发多媒体游戏作为本论文的实例 (2007-09-22, Visual C++, 702KB, 下载118次)


[DirextX编程] Sample01

using DirectDraw create dual surface. DirectDraw allows users to direct memory operation, support hardware bit block transfers, hardware coverage, reversed the surface, texture mapping and image. (2005-04-05, C++ Builder, 453KB, 下载137次)
