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[网址推荐] xinyang

joekoe cms 1.2官方版为核心的热线版本,包括新闻、信阳、女性、母婴、 生活、房产、 服装、学习、 文学、 笑林、 解梦、 动画、 图片、 酷站、人才、 二手、 商城、 下载、 黄页、 房源、音乐、 电影、 娱乐、 游戏、推荐、聊天、日记、留言、论坛等29个栏目。 默认的管理员用户名是:admin ,密码和验证码都是cn0376
joekoe 1.2 cms official version of the core version of the hotline, including news, Xinyang, women, maternal and child. living, real estate, clothing, learning, literature, Jokes, explain it, animation, photographs, Kuzhan, talent, and the secondary, a mall, download, Yellow Pages, the housing stock, music, film, entertainment, games and recommendation, chat, diary, voice mail, Forum 29 columns. The default administrator user name is : admin, password and authentication code are cn0376 (2006-11-12, ASP, 6026KB, 下载249次)


[网址推荐] commerce

e-commerce system, which is in Jilin Province tomorrow Technology Development Limited, the principal purpose is to promote the Web site through the Internet business products and services, the clients can always understand the enterprises and products, to provide customers with online services and order processing functions. Terms of products and services not only to the promotion, but through the Internet, internal network (Intranet) and the external network (Extranet), buyers and sellers, vendors and partners in a closely integrated together, thus eliminating the time and space of obstacles. Content : Home prospects, Member Login, Member revised information, search goods, buying merchandise to checkout settle accounts, emptied Cart, For inquiries, orders, sales and the largest mall annou (2006-08-04, Java, 5423KB, 下载89次)


[网址推荐] v6798_clplaymtv010

a photocopy entertainment source (2005-01-15, Asm, 941KB, 下载429次)


[网址推荐] TTSP

dynamic programming solution using dual- TSP (2005-01-01, C++, 1KB, 下载25次)
