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[matlab编程] resume

我用matlab凋式程序时出现如下报错,搞不懂了,求教高人!<BR>??? Error using ==> network/train<BR>Targets are incorrectly sized for network.<BR>Matrix must have 5 rows.<BR><BR>我的输入是9 ,隐含层7,输出5<BR>建网函数为:net=newff(minmax(p),[7 5],{ logsig logsig }, traingdx )
我用matlab凋式程序时出现如下报错,搞不懂了,求教高人!<BR>??? Error using ==> network/train<BR>Targets are incorrectly sized for network.<BR>Matrix must have 5 rows.<BR><BR>我的输入是9 ,隐含层7,输出5<BR>建网函数为:net=newff(minmax(p),[7 5],{ logsig logsig }, traingdx ) (2015-05-02, C++ Builder, 626KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] d-(1)

In cognitive radio networks, power control is considered as an important issue to improve the performance of dynamic spectrum sharing. In this paper, in order to maximize the efficiency of the system, the secondary users and primary user behaviors will be considered. (2011-11-28, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载9次)
