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[搜索引擎] sbczss

网博垂直搜索引擎学习版 支持上亿级数据的全文查询
Network of vertical search engines Bo support learning version of the full text of 100 million data query (2009-07-06, C++ Builder, 5095KB, 下载12次)


[搜索引擎] ftpsearchengine

软件名称:BISM "菁搜" FTP搜索引擎 软件版本:V1.0 见议分类:网络软件-> 搜索引擎 联系EMAIL:BISM软件工作组 E-MAIL:Bismsotware@163.com 余文锋 E-MAIL:wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn 陈鸿雏 E-MAIL:canzer@126.com.cn 吴侃侃 E-MAIL:suzerain2005@163.com 软件网站:http://blog.csdn.net/bismsoftware 软件容量:4700 KB 软件类型:国产软件 / 简体中文 / 共享软件 应用平台:WinNT/2000/XP/2003/vista 界面预览:无 软件介绍:内网的百度,功能强大的FTP搜索引擎. 针对大型局域网和城域网设计。 这款引擎为局域网用户提供了很大的方便,用户可以精确,快速地通过引擎查找到自己想要的资源,如课件,软件,电影等等。这可以大大地减少用户寻找目的资源的时间,也提高了资源的利用率,扩大了网络资源共享,强大的FTP资源共享平台。
Software name: BISM "Ching found" FTP search engine Software version: V1.0 See you Categories: Network software-> search engine Contact EMAIL: BISM Software Working Group E-MAIL: Bismsotware@163.com 余文锋 E-MAIL: wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn Wolf child E-MAIL: canzer@126.com.cn Miss Kan-Kan E-MAIL: suzerain2005@163.com Software Web site: http://blog.csdn.net/bismsoftware Software capacity: 4700 KB Software Type: China-made software/Simplified Chinese/sharing software Application Platform: WinNT/2000/XP/2003/vista Interface Preview: None Software: Baidu intranet, FTP powerful search engine. For the design of large-scale LAN and MAN. The engine for LAN users with a great deal of convenience, the user can accurately and quickly through the engine you want to find their own resources, such as courseware, software, movies and so on. This can greatly reduce the user time to find the purpose of resources, but also to improve the utilization of (2009-06-02, C++ Builder, 4734KB, 下载115次)
