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[其他] ANSYS四边形索网、三角形索网找形建模

In this code, quadrilateral cable net and triangle cable net are searched for shape, and the initial equilibrium state of quadrilateral cable net and triangle cable net is found. (2020-04-22, ansys, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他] LS_DYNA官方接触方法介绍

The understanding of contact settings in LS-DYNA collision simulation is further deepened, which is very helpful for learners who have just started LS-DYNA collision simulation. (2018-10-06, ansys, 589KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 讯方光网络仿真软件实训指导书V1.0(学生指导书)

讯方光网络仿真软件指导书 1、本次实训业务主要由SDH1和SDH2组成简单的点对点业务,对于点对点网时是无任何保护的。 2、具体的业务:将SDH1支路板PD1的第1、2个2M和SDH2的支路板SP1D第1、2个2M连通。 3、在配置业务之前,需先完成保护子网的创建,在本次组网中,SDH1和SDH2组成一个无保护链。
The guide book of the simulation software of the optical network 1, this training business mainly consists of SDH1 and SDH2 to make up a simple point to point service, and there is no protection for point to point network. 2, specific business: the first, second 2M of the SDH1 branch board PD1 and the first, second 2M of the branch board of the SDH2 are connected to the first, second 2M. 3, before configuring business, the protection subnet should be created first. In this network, SDH1 and SDH2 constitute an unprotected chain. (2017-12-25, ansys, 13644KB, 下载0次)
