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[MySQL数据库] JingPaiSys

基于java SSM框架的竞拍系统拍卖网
Auction network of auction system based on java SSM framework (2023-12-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] HackerNews-API

Spring boot和MySQL RESTful API。黑客新闻项目是一个类似于黑客新闻网站的轻量级系统,允许用户发布...,
Spring boot & MySQL RESTful API. The Hacker News project is a lightweight system similar to Hacker News web site that allows users to post text-based news, up vote/down vote posts, and view a list of top posts. RESTful API that support CRUD operation such as: POST, PUT, GET(all and top top posts), DELETE, PATCH(up vote down and change post) (2023-10-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] llMusicPlayer

这个小程序是通过网易云接口来获得音乐,只需要在后端数据库里面存vip账号的登录cookie,小程序端无需登录,即可实现多人使用,简单来说,就是一个账号多人使用且每个使用的人不需要账号登录 。 前端技术:uniapp、uView 后端技术:Java、SpringBoot...,
This applet obtains music through the Netease Cloud interface. It only needs to store the login cookie of the VIP account in the back-end database. The applet can be used by multiple people without logging in. In short, one account can be used by multiple people and each user does not need to log in. Front end technology: uniapp, uView Back end technology: Java, SpringBoot, (2023-08-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] HibernateSerial

This system uses the Zigbee protocol stack to network various sensors. The sensors transmit data to the coordinator at a fixed time, and the coordinator sends the data to Java through a serial port to write an upper computer program. The upper computer parses the data according to rules and saves it to a MySQL database, achieving monitoring of indoor environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity, light intensity, smoke, etc (2020-03-08, Java, 97KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] software-engineering-design

软件工程课程设计,餐馆点餐系统 spring boot+vue+微信小程序 mysql数据库
Software engineering course design, restaurant ordering system spring boot+vue+WeChat mini program MySQL database (2020-02-10, Java, 5296KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] wechat

QG Studio Final Assessment: QG version of WeChat, an online chat system that provides real-time chat, account management, friend management, chat record management, chat groups, social media, photo albums, and other functions. The backend uses Java, Tomcat, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, and the front-end uses HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AJ (2021-03-11, Java, 23188KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] mjoke

Mjoke App Android 客户端代码,集成瀑布流、微信分享、U盟统计、BOS存储
Mjoke App Android client code, integrated with waterfall flow, WeChat sharing, U-League statistics, BOS storage (2018-12-03, Java, 2472KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] fula

项目里包含了 springboot 整合 mysql 的例子, 利用 github action 打包的例子, 微信公众号开发的例子, 包含了 telegram bot 的例子, 包含了一些常用的 Docker 镜像
The project includes examples of springboot integrating MySQL, examples of github action packaging, examples of WeChat official account development, examples of telegram bot, and some commonly used Docker images (2021-06-13, Java, 68KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] blog-sharon

A simple WeChat mini program for personal blog. Backend implementation based on SpringBoot (2020-02-26, Java, 9892KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] shoppingmall

这是一个购物商城的项目的服务端,仿照的是天猫网,项目主要用到的技术有 springmvc做前端控制和请求转发、spring整合mybatis做数据访问层、数据库使用的是mysql、使用maven对项目进行构建、搭建ftp服务器存储图片...
This is the server end of a shopping mall project, modeled on Tmall. The main technologies used in the project are spring mvc for front-end control and request forwarding, spring integrating mybatis as the data access layer, MySQL for database, maven for project construction, and FTP server for image storage (2022-12-16, Java, 11314KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] MP_take_out

基于SpringBoot + Vue 开发的前后端分离外卖点单系统,采用Shiro进行权限管理,使用uni- app开发微信小程序,支持微信登录、Redis缓存、quartz定时、导出数据等功能。
A front-end and back-end separated delivery order system developed based on SpringBoot+Vue, using Shiro for permission management, and developing WeChat mini programs using uni app. It supports functions such as WeChat login, Redis caching, quartz timing, and data export. (2023-05-18, Java, 5936KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] WechatMiniProgram-shopping-mall

Individual store front-end for WeChat mini programs (based on the following open source template) and Java backend (including MySQL database files) (2018-02-12, Java, 83119KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] cms

1.cms 网站 ,完整开源建站平台。cms网站,拥有微信公众号模块,可以加入微信公众号使用。用于咨询网站、企业网网站,个人小网站等等。可以自己开发模板放在template目录文件夹下。也适合二次开发,完整的权限系统。2.使用技术sp...
1. CMS website, a complete open source website building platform. Cms website, with WeChat official account module, can be added to WeChat official account for use. Used for consulting websites, corporate websites, personal mini websites, and more. You can develop your own templates and place them in the template directory folder. Also suitable for secondary development, a complete permission system. 2. Using technology sp (2023-05-07, Java, 23314KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] fuint

欢迎使用fuint智慧门店会员营销系统。本项目基于Java + Mysql,包含优惠券、预存卡、集次卡、储值卡、电子券,会员积分体系,支付收款等营销功能,支持批量操作。源码完整,包含前台微信小程序、h5、后端api、后台管理三部分。本...
Welcome to the Funt Smart Store Member Marketing System. This project is based on Java+MySQL and includes marketing functions such as coupons, pre-storage cards, secondary cards, stored value cards, electronic vouchers, membership points system, payment and receipt, and supports batch operations. The source code is complete, including three parts: front-end WeChat mini program, H5, back-end API, and back-end management. Ben (2023-05-25, Java, 5303KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] autoplan

这是一个自动化的托管系统,目前支持网易云,bilibili,米游社原神签到,测试地址<https: auto.oldwu.top>
这是一个自动化的托管系统,目前支持网易云,bilibili,米游社原神签到,测试地址<https: auto.oldwu.top> (2023-05-07, Java, 7897KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] java网吧管理系统毕设

Implementation of Internet bar management system with Java and MySQL database (2020-02-27, Java, 2299KB, 下载1次)


[MySQL数据库] LLLLL-single-shop-master

Data Browsing Based on MySQL (2019-03-29, Java, 1284KB, 下载2次)


[MySQL数据库] youkong

People collect APP (free) nearby, you can see the gender, age, micro letters, unfamiliar street (2014-05-29, Java, 9142KB, 下载9次)


[MySQL数据库] Lerxmulti-userversioncounter

采用JSP+Java Bean开发的基于MySQL数据库的计数器。 包含有动网165501条数据库。 可以限制每个用户记录的IP数,防止数据库无限增大。 多用户,可以开放记数器申请,用户可以登录修改资料。 所有密码均采用MD5加密。 登录使用认证码(有干扰纹)。
Used JSP+ Java Bean development of the counter based on the MySQL database. Contains a dynamic network database of 165,501. Each user can restrict the IP number of records to prevent an unlimited increase database. Multi-user, you can apply for an open counter, the user can modify the registry. All passwords are encrypted using MD5. Log in using the authentication code (interference pattern). (2008-04-16, Java, 1693KB, 下载8次)
