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[代码编辑器] RPS-Telegram

Telegram Web Application of Recommendation Painting System (2024-01-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] Drug-Recommendation-System

This is our 5th Semester Project. Idea is to make a feasible drug recommendation system using semantic web and data mining which takes care of various attributes like drug-drug interaction, drug-allergy interaction etc. (2014-10-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] Java

This is a rewrite based on the first java notes taken in October 2018. The content will be more basic and suitable for students who want to get started. These notes are basically a reference to a Java course of Netease Cloud class, and the home page of the document will give a link to support it. (2019-12-11, Java, 1701KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] weread-note-tool

自用的微信读书笔记转 markdown 工具,微信读书默认导出的笔记不支持markdown格式,此项目就是支持将微信读书的笔记转为markdown格式,目前只支持转换从微信读书复制出来的笔记格式,其他的非微信读书笔记格式转换会出错...
The self used WeChat reading notes are transferred to the markdown tool. The default exported notes from WeChat reading do not support the markdown format. This project supports the conversion of WeChat reading notes to the markdown format. At present, it only supports the conversion of note formats copied from WeChat reading, and other non WeChat reading notes will make errors in the format conversion (2022-01-13, Java, 679KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] html2md

已支持 CSDN,CNBLOG,微信公众号文章 转为markdown 或者 html 格式的文件
CSDN, CNBLOG and WeChat official account articles are supported to be converted to markdown or html files (2021-09-27, Java, 35KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] PetriNetEditor

Petri Net Editor programmed in Java for Event-Driven Computing at uni (2016-11-11, Java, 64KB, 下载0次)
