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[论文] bysj-009

基于SSM的校园失物招领平台+小程序+论文示例参考.技术栈+工具:SSM + JSP + MySQL5.7 + IDEA2022 + 原生微信小程序 后端功能: 用户管理、公告管理、报失管理、招领管理、排行榜管理等 小程序:注册登录、发布报失信息、发布招领信息、个人资料等, stars:2, update:2024-08-05 02:25:51 (2024-08-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2206

Hotpot ordering applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis) (graduation design), hotpot ordering applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis), administrator, user role, etc. The ordering system of hotpot restaurant uses Java language and Vue technology, and the framework uses SSM, together with MySQL database, runs in Idea, and uses applet mode. This hotpot restaurant ordering system provides services in two roles: administrator and user. The general functions include food query, food purchase, table reservation and order management. This system can help the administrator to update the food information and manage the order information, help users to achieve online ordering mode, and can achieve table reservation. (2024-06-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2222

The driving test applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis) (graduation design), the driving test applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis), administrators, users, driving school roles, etc. It is an online driving test management platform developed with WeChat technology and network technology, which can realize registration of driving school, appointment of car training, online examination, test paper management, test site management, etc. The system uses Java language, MySQL as the database, and Eclipse as the running environment. Users are divided into users, administrators, and driving schools. The functions of this system include driving test article management, student management, registration management, practice appointment management, test venue management, test appointment management, and test management (2024-06-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2574

Online part-time recruitment system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue (with paper attached), administrator, user role, etc. A management system based on spring boot framework. The whole development process first analyzes the requirements of the software system and obtains the main functions of the system. Then the overall design and detailed design of the system. The overall design mainly includes system function design, system overall structure design, system data structure design and system security design; The detailed design mainly includes the realization of system database access, the concrete realization of main functional modules, and the key code of module realization. Finally, the system is tested, and the test results are analyzed and summarized. The deficiencies in the system and the areas that need to be improved are obtained, which provides convenience for future system maintenance, and also provides reference and help for future development of similar systems. This personali (2024-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] hospitalRegistssmPublic

接毕业设计和论文-作者QQ:193661405 微信:qitangshijie (支持修改、 部署调试、 支持代做毕设)-接网站建设、小程序、H5、APP、各种系统等-选题+开题报告+任务书+程序定制+安装调试+论文+答辩ppt 都可以做
Receiving graduation design and thesis - Author QQ: 193661405 WeChat: qitangshijie (support for modification, deployment and debugging, and completion of agent work) - Receiving website construction, applet, H5, APP, various systems, etc. - topic selection+proposal report+task book+program customization+installation and debugging+thesis+defense ppt can be done (2024-03-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] PaperNetwork

Constructing a paper network using the citation extraction program., (2012-08-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Ayam-Kampus

Ayam Kampus,用Kampus回答您的学术问题。首席运营官,首席运营官
Ayam Kampus, Answer your academic matters in Kampus. Tugas akhir PBO, dibuang sayang (2017-06-15, Java, 2301KB, 下载0次)


[论文] IntranetAcademicav1

Version 1.0 de una Intranet Academica enfocada en manejo de matriculas con 3 tipos de roles usuarios (2022-05-22, Java, 451KB, 下载0次)


[论文] FuzzP

Fuzzy Petri-net visualizer and executor for teaching and academic purposes. (2018-07-04, Java, 9795KB, 下载0次)


[论文] tit-client

校园APP:包含了青果教务系统第三方客户端与校官网新闻客户端的功能。A combination of the third party client of kingo(青果) academic management system and...
Campus APP: It includes the functions of a third-party client for the Qingguo Academic Affairs System and a news client for the school s official website. A combination of the third party client of Kingo (Qingguo) academic management system and (2015-09-05, Java, 4766KB, 下载0次)
