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[操作系统开发] google-chrome-stable

Google Chrome是一款开源和最受欢迎的互联网浏览器,用于访问万维网上的可用信息。它由谷歌于2008年12月11日为Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、Android和iOS操作系统开发。它使用基于沙盒的方法来提供Web安全性。
Google Chrome is an open-source and the most popular internet browser that is used for accessing the information available on the World Wide Web. It was developed by Google on 11 December 2008 for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS operating systems. It uses sandboxing-based approach to provide Web security. (2024-04-09, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] openwrt_x86

自编译OpenWrt x86固件 提供vhdx和vmdk格式的固件 对虚拟机支持良好 内置ZeroTier、PassWall、AdGuardHome、迅雷快鸟、UU加速器、FRP、解锁网易云灰色、KMS等优质插件,稳定流畅。
Self compiled OpenWrt x86 firmware provides firmware in vhdx and vmdk format. It supports virtual machines with built-in high-quality plug-ins such as ZeroTier, PassWall, AdGuardHome, Thunderbird, UU accelerator, FRP, unlocking NetEase Cloud Grey, KMS, and is stable and smooth. (2023-06-02, Shell, 52KB, 下载0次)
