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[大数据] wecom_robot

根据企业微信官网机器人 api 封装的 bash 实现。此脚本现在支持发送文本消息、Markdown 格式消息、新闻格式消息、文件消息、语音消息和图片消息。每种消息类型都封装在单独的函数中,并对内容进行了 UTF-8 编码处理。脚本根据传入的参数生成相应的 JSON 数据结构,并通过 curl 发送 HTTP 请求。实现中添加了文件和语音内容的缓存机制,避免重复上传相同文件,并对媒体内容进行格式和大小检查,同时包含文件的过期检查以确保使用最新的媒体文件。
According to the bash implementation encapsulated by the enterprise WeChat official website robot api. This script now supports sending text messages, Markdown format messages, news format messages, file messages, voice messages, and picture messages. Each message type is encapsulated in a separate function, and the content is encoded in UTF-8. The script generates the corresponding JSON data structure according to the passed in parameters, and sends the HTTP request through curl. The implementation adds a caching mechanism for files and voice content to avoid repeated uploading of the same files, and checks the format and size of media content, including the expiration check of files to ensure that the latest media files are used. (2024-07-29, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] NCS

本地隧道、数据压缩、加密、公网连接数压缩的强大本地客户端,极限降低延迟,防止中间人攻击, 最大限度提升安全性及矿场利润。A powerful local client with local tunneling, data compression, encryption, a...
Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and public network connection number compression, which can limit delay, prevent man in the middle attacks, and maximize security and mine profits. A powerful local client with local tunneling, data compression, encryption, a (2023-12-14, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] prometheus-consul-grafana

prometheus consul grafana (2018-05-24, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Linux-Zabbix-Grafana

Zabbix Intranet Deployment and Installation (2018-07-04, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] RMS

本地隧道、数据压缩、加密、公网连接数压缩的强大本地客户端,极限降低延迟,防止中间人攻击, 最大限度提升安全性及矿场利润。,
Powerful local clients for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and public network connection number compression can limit delay, prevent man in the middle attacks, and maximize security and mine profits., (2023-09-01, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] RMS

本地隧道、数据压缩、加密、公网连接数压缩的强大本地客户端,极限降低延迟,防止中间人攻击, 最大限度提升安全性及矿场利润。 Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and pu...,
Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and public network connection number compression, which can limit delay, prevent man in the middle attacks, and maximize security and mine profits. Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and pu, (2023-08-23, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)
