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[GPT/ChatGPT] Shell-Script-sm-projects

这些是我为了练习和娱乐而制作的小型Shell Script项目。为了获得更多的乐趣,我使用纳米编辑器制作了它们。
These are small Shell Script projects that I made to practice and for fun. To have even more fun, I made them using the nano editor. (2023-11-20, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] WeChatAssistant-ForMac

Mac微信功能拓展 微信插件 微信小助手(A plugin for Mac WeChat)独立加载版。微信双开助手。
Mac WeChat function expansion WeChat plug-in WeChat assistant (A plugin for Mac WeChat) independent loading version. WeChat double opening assistant. (2022-08-15, Shell, 1643KB, 下载0次)
