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[WEB开发] window

南靖县网站建设nanjing.yunhuweb.com, 南靖县网站制作, 南靖县网站设计, 南靖县软件开发, 南靖县手机app定制, 南靖县微信公众号注册 (2017-01-20, Windows_Unix, 1150KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] biadu_image

extra the image baidu images in python (2016-05-25, Windows_Unix, 4KB, 下载3次)



易娱网留言本系统 QDBOOK v2.2 最终版
Easy entertainment network message system QDBOOK v2.2 Final Edition (2016-03-01, Windows_Unix, 198KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ggbb_v2015.0701

看视频无需等待 采用先进的技术,完美去掉优酷网、土豆网、乐视TV,芒果TV、暴风影音、搜狐视频、PPTV、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、迅雷看看网站以及客户端的片头广告
Watch the video without waiting The use of advanced technology, perfect remove Youku, Tudou, music as TV, mango TV, Storm video, Sohu video, PPTV, iQIYI, Tencent video, Thunder look at the client s site and ad titles (2016-02-23, Windows_Unix, 1804KB, 下载2次)



Scanning public comment, and search Suzhou network, grab business information on the site, and saved to the . (2015-06-15, Windows_Unix, 12889KB, 下载1次)



基于CAS的单点登录示范。单点登录(Single Sign On),简称为 SSO,是目前比较流行的企业业务整合的解决方案之一。SSO的定义是在多个应用系统中,用户只需要登录一次就可以访问所有相互信任的应用系统。
Single sign-on (sso) model based on CAS. SSO (Single Sign On), referred to as SSO, is one of the more popular enterprise business integration solutions. SSO is defined in multiple application system, the users only need to log in to a can access all application system of mutual trust. (2015-05-28, Windows_Unix, 103KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] TTASP_MiniOrder_duo

完整的后台订单系统,实时接收最新订单; 手机/微信同步接收最新订单信息,免费实时; 数据库采用不可逆加密,有效防止信息泄露; 商品管理采用单页设计,充分体现了其迷你微型的特征; 带订单状态处理,方便归类,大大提高信息处理效率; 网站后台+邮件+微信/手机接收,各类终端同步处理,保证不漏单; Mini的设计,给您带来不一样的用户体验。
完整的后台订单系统,实时接收最新订单; 手机/微信同步接收最新订单信息,免费实时; 数据库采用不可逆加密,有效防止信息泄露; 商品管理采用单页设计,充分体现了其迷你微型的特征; 带订单状态处理,方便归类,大大提高信息处理效率; 网站后台+邮件+微信/手机接收,各类终端同步处理,保证不漏单; Mini的设计,给您带来不一样的用户体验。 (2014-11-17, Windows_Unix, 206KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] amaya-WinXP-11.4.7

阿马亚Amaya是一套由W3C(万维网联盟)及INRIA所制作的开源网页浏览器及网页制作软件。它允许用户浏览网页和制作网页,它是Grif这套所见即所得的标准通用标记语言编辑器及Symposia HTML编辑器的后代。
Amaya Amaya is set by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and INRIA produced by the open-source web browser and web authoring software. It allows users to browse the web and create web pages, it is Grif set of Standard Generalized Markup Language WYSIWYG editor and Symposia HTML editor offspring. (2014-06-05, Windows_Unix, 14117KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] HTML5-Pocket-Reference

目前正在开发HTML5万维网的核心标记语言HTML(超文本标记语言),作为下一个主要的修订。 HTML5是HTML4.01,XHTML1.0和DOM Level2 HTML建议下标准。 HTML5袖珍参考是一个易于使用的应用程序来帮助你从日复一日的HTML5编码中解脱。
HTML5 is currently being developed as the next major revision of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the core markup language of the World Wide Web. HTML5 is the proposed next standard for HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 and DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML5 Pocket Reference is an easy to use app to help you out with your day to day HTML5 coding. (2013-08-09, Windows_Unix, 3704KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] huangguan

源码来源网络上,修改而成 加入是微博分享,百度分享键,加入了第三方评论系统 可以提交网店
Source source on the network, the modifications made Join Weibo, Baidu Share button, adding a third-party review system can be submitted online shop (2013-05-10, Windows_Unix, 1602KB, 下载5次)



Deep Web technology to provide a small, lightweight PHP server (2012-11-15, Windows_Unix, 23478KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] kc

校园精品课程源码,大学校园精品课程网 校园精品课程源码,大学校园精品课程网
Campus Quality Course source, university campuses quality courses Network (2012-06-01, Windows_Unix, 2406KB, 下载46次)


[WEB开发] CuiyuanShow

萃园SHOW主要是为学校内部使用而开发的,目的是供学生获取学校信息、同时提供帮助学习和娱乐的功能。系统的面向的用户包括:学生,老师,专业管理员,总管理员。就每个不同的用户而言功能不完全相同。 学生可以从本网站获取通知、新闻等信息,可以获取学习资料、在线讨论、查询自习室进行学习,还可以发表日志、聊天、发校内漂、玩游戏、听音乐进行娱乐。管理员可以进行用户账户管理、主页新闻通知的更新、日志状态审查、班级的创建、学生会等团体组织的创建。
Extracts Park SHOW primarily for internal use and development of the school, the aim is for students to access school information, and help learning and entertainment functions. System for users include: students, teachers, professional administrators, the total administrator. Users on each of the different functions are not identical. Students can notice from this website, news and other information, you can get learning materials, online discussion, check study room to learn, you can also post logs, chat, send internal drift, play games, listen to music for entertainment. Administrators can manage user accounts, home news update notification, log the status review, the creation of classes, students and other community organizations to create. (2011-08-29, Windows_Unix, 17306KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] web2

With simple way to land gateway website, can browse member picture, news and entertainment news, Members may write diary etc (2010-07-19, Windows_Unix, 811KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] WebsiteFramework

All the source code of a commercial site, including online trading, forums, etc. (2010-04-25, Windows_Unix, 5084KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 090806yan

I hope this software for your reference can promote and improve joint open database Portal related areas, be willing to accumulate some resources website, bring more convenience for everyone, for every friend in need in the right direction! (Includes video instructions) (2010-04-11, Windows_Unix, 2826KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] nn

BEIJING, September 1, Chinese Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association announced today in Wuhan, China, 500 enterprises in the year 2007 list. (2009-11-28, Windows_Unix, 17KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ITU-T(G.723.1)

ITU-T official website download, G.723.1 allocation solution source device and test documents, the latest version 2006 (2007-11-29, Windows_Unix, 16503KB, 下载138次)


[WEB开发] kg2

jade leaf wind enterprises establishment of the station network system, if similar, they can refer to, thank you. (2006-03-15, Windows_Unix, 864KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ssyl23

生生一路私服发布系统 v2.3 本程序是一套私服实时发布程序,私服业主可以匿名发布自己的私服,只要管理员在后台通过验证就可以在首页显示了。为了吸引更多的用户,新版本中还特别加入了家族功能。
way artists Smart Dissemination System is a set of procedures for the immediate release procedures 1,500,000, 1,500,000 anonymous owners can launch its own artists, as long as caretakers in the background can be verified by the Home shows. In order to attract more users, the new version also joined the family function. (2005-07-03, Windows_Unix, 343KB, 下载7次)
