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[数学计算] moab-4.9.0.tar

网型数据库(摩押)是一个代表和评价网格数据的组件。摩押可以存储结构化和非结构化网格,包括在有限元a€ œ 动物园a€  加多边形和多面体元素。
The Mesh-Oriented datABase (MOAB) is a component for representing and uating mesh data. MOAB can store structured and unstructured mesh, consisting of elements in the finite element a€ œ zooa€  plus polygons and polyhedra. (2016-03-17, Windows_Unix, 8191KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] U_I_PAIS

With forward and backward substitution flow calculation grid Radiation Network program: front and backward substitution method in the distribution power flow calculation is simple and practical, all the data are stored in vector form, thus saving a lot of computer memory, for any kind of distribution network, as long as there is a reasonable R/X value, this method can be guaranteed to converge. Moreover, forward and backward substitution method convergence order for the order, so it has a good convergence stability. Comparison, the forward and backward substitution method take full advantage of network radiating structural features, data processing, programming is simple, not complex matrix operations, computationally efficient, very few take up the computer' s resources, has better convergence , widely used in the actual distribution network is one of the best algorithm for solving the radial distribution power flow problem. (2013-04-29, Windows_Unix, 3KB, 下载21次)
