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[其他书籍] computerknowledge

电子图书 关于电脑知识 实用 欢迎访问小说网
computer knowledge (2010-04-27, Windows_Unix, 386KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Multi-Sheet-Design

All but the smallest designs will need to be laid out over multiple schematic sheets. There are essentially two approaches to structuring a multi-sheet design, either flat, or hierarchical. A flat design is one where the connectivity between nets that span sheets is directly from one sheet to the other or potential to many others. (2010-04-22, Windows_Unix, 395KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] regedit

注册表超级全攻略是藏陋网 开发的一本共享电子书籍!收录的是大量简单,通俗易懂而又确实实用的windows系列注册表修改技巧,不但对电脑初学者有很大的帮助,而且对老鸟也很有参考价值!内容含盖了win98,NT,2K,XP全套注册表修改实用技巧。
Super-wide registry of Tibetan Gong Lue ugly development of a network to share e-books! Included are a large number of simple, user-friendly windows and did a series of registry changes and practical skills, not only of great help computer beginners, but also of great reference value to the fields and then! Content covers the win98, NT, 2K, XP registry change a full set of practical skills. (2009-12-09, Windows_Unix, 416KB, 下载87次)


[其他书籍] XML2

有人将X M L说成一种文档格式。有人将它说成一种存储数据的分级模式。按照其他的标准, 一个X M L文档可以被理解为通过一种网络化的处理机构来遍历数据。每个网络节点存储或处理 数据并且将结果传输传给相邻的节点。在这个世界里,一个X M L文档是一种流过或流在一个网 络中的应用中的数据。然而,我们看到,任何X M L文档都是元素的汇集。这些元素是按某种方 案组织的(无论是显式的,即通过使用D T D或其他的标准,还是隐式的,即没有一个定义过的 标准),并且也可能是一种分级命令。我们也可以说X M L文档是一个序列化版本的分级命令— 一种用于在处理机构之间交换信息的文本。然而,在内部,这些处理机构并不使用序列化的版 本(文档)而是使用更便于工作的内部表示。
X M L (2009-08-21, Windows_Unix, 17353KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] 329

Telephone network access. Experimental paper, based on the Bluetooth PSTN access system. Introduced a wireless telephone terminal equipment control protocol signaling and PSTN telephone network exchange of signaling processes. (2009-07-05, Windows_Unix, 2134KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] tengxunwang2007nianbao

腾讯网2007年报.pdf 希望对IT业朋友有所帮助。
Tencent Network 2007 Annual Report. Pdf I hope to help a friend IT industry. (2009-05-29, Windows_Unix, 1405KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] AODVRoute

:Ad HOC网络是随着无线通信技术的快速发展而出现的一种新型网络, 网络层的路由协议对于Ad HOC网络来说尤为 重要。首先阐述了Ad hoc 网络的概念和特点,分析了自组网路由协议的有关情况。重点研究了按需路由协议中的AODV协 议及其中断链恢复的改进,结果表明在数据传输延迟和路由开销方面,采用改进的本地修复方法都可以使性能获得一定程 度的提高
Abstract:The Ad hoc network is a kind of new network that appears with the development of wireless communication technology,the muting protocol in network layer is very important to Ad hoc network. The concept and characteristics of Ad hoc network was introduced firstly, and the muting protocol was analyzed. Th e AODV protocol Was mainly discussed an d improved in restore of interrupt link.It is proved that in transmission delay and muting consuming improved local restore method could advance the performance. (2009-03-22, Windows_Unix, 221KB, 下载41次)


[其他书籍] Cisco Catalyst juyuwangjiaohuanjishu

本书介绍Cisco 公司的Catalyst系列交换产品,其中包括交换技术的基础知识和高级功能。主要内容有:以太网和令牌环交换,VLAN和ISL及IEEE 802.1Q中继,动态和静态VLAN配置,多层交换,ATMLAN仿真,以及所有与CLSC笔试所需的信息。本书不失为一本网络有关人员的有价值的参考书。
The book introduced the Cisco s Catalyst series of exchange of products, including the basis for the exchange of technical knowledge and advanced features. The main contents are: the exchange of Ethernet and Token Ring, VLAN and ISL and IEEE 802.1Q trunking, dynamic and static VLAN configuration, multilayer switching, ATMLAN simulation, and all written information needed CLSC. The book may be a network of associated personnel valuable reference book. (2008-12-19, Windows_Unix, 12981KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] ReadyNAS_solution

NETGEAR NAS storage solution that is ideal for learning is just beginning readers NAS Network Storage (2008-11-05, Windows_Unix, 2102KB, 下载19次)


[其他书籍] zhaobzl1932yqb

Firewall and Network Security national standards, the major networks introduce an industry standardized test! A total of 5 parts, this part of (2008-07-24, Windows_Unix, 1146KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] netword

说明高校校园网络建设的现状与发展 以及校园网络存在的问题
Campus notes the status of network construction and development, as well as the campus network problems (2008-05-09, Windows_Unix, 67KB, 下载94次)


[其他书籍] duidengwang

established a peer-to-peer networking in the absence of circumstances is also useful (2007-06-17, Windows_Unix, 167KB, 下载1次)
